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Scenery for Multiplayer Use. Fantasy Island chain with landable
carrier located off Western coast of France , 16+ islands with mountains,
bays, roads, rivers, etc. Designed for high FPS in multiplayer mode.
Tons of targets for bomber runs, FFA's, etc. Each island has at least
one field with fuel, ADF's, etc. By Michael Brookshire(aka Franz Von
Baron) and Steve McClelland. 1.8MB |
Omaha beach scenery. Including hedgehogs, belgian gates, ramps
and pics. Enjoy fighting over one of the most famous beach of France.
By HF_Tauriac. 88K |
AAA Base by Peter O'Brien2, D Behrens CFS Scenery for Multiplayer
Use. enhancement for isle AAA(enhancement done by psob2 and leadsled),
part of a Fantasy Island chain located off Western coast of France.
Base The OR_Base is a fictional airfield located east of Interlaken.
It contains: three 5,000 ft runways for landing all aircraft, several
hangers, the OR_Lounge, tanks, an assortment of planes, and many other
objects. File size: 375K |
Watch Office. 1st update for ABBA Duxford (see Dxfordmr.zip),
replacing the stock CFS control with a highly detailed rendition of
the real thing. By Mike Rennie. 162K |

scenery for CFS. Scenery files, built using CFSTMap, for a
few degrees of latitude and longitude on each side of Gibraltar. Includes
airfields at Cadiz, Tangier and Gibraltar. Uses only standard CFS
textures. By C Burgess. 80K |
York for CFS1. Designed for RAF667 Special Carrier Squadron
(cfsfleetairarm.homestead.com). This carrier is positioned 2-3 miles
North of HMS Ark Royal and is perfect for multiplayer team combat
games. Refuel in the white 'fuel' boxes. Land your Harrier in the
circles. It has been repainted in British Royal Navy Colours. Original
Macro By Debbie Diamond. Modified By Mike Rennie. Textured By Robert
A Fett. |
Island. New scenery dedicated to helo pilots everywhere called
Labrador. By Paul Harmon. 1.7MB |
Textures for CFS. These texture files, built by modifying
those of Aurelio Stoppini, join his desert textures onto the other
kinds of textures from the CFS1 default texture set. These are meant
to be used for my sceneries CFSTunisia (Tunisia and eastern Algeria),
CFSLibya (Tripolitania and the Gulf of of Sidra, which matches onto
Mauro Giacomazzi's NordAfrica scenery) and SicSTrait (covering all
of the water and islands in between, including Malta, Pantelleria,
and the other small Italian islands of Lampedusa, Lampione and Linosa).
By C Burgess. 3.8MB |
Strait scenery for CFS. Scenery files, built from USGS DEM
data using CFSClass, designed to fill in the Mediterranean Sea between
my other sceneries CFSItaly (Sicily and the Italian mainland), CFSTunisia
(Tunisia and eastern Algeria) and CFSLibya (Tripolitania and the Gulf
of of Sidra, which matches onto Mauro Giacomazzi's NordAfrica scenery).
It includes all of the water and islands in between, including Malta,
Pantelleria, and the other small Italian islands of Lampedusa, Lampione
and Linosa. Requires the mediterranean textures, CFSMedTextures. Also
includes revised missions to adapt the missions of ItalyPack to the
modified positions of Malta and Pantelleria. By C Burgess. 295K |
scenery for CFS. Scenery files, built from USGS DEM data
using CFSClass, for eastern Algeria (east of longitude E5) and Tunisia.
It is designed to match onto my other sceneries SicStrait (which
covers the Mediterranean between Tunisia/Libya and Sicily) and CFSLibya
(covering Tripolitania and the Gulf of of Sidra, matching onto Mauro
Giacomazzi's NordAfrica scenery). Requires textures from CFSMedTextures.
By C Burgess. 827K
Libya, Libyan scenery for CFS. Scenery files, built from USGS
DEM data using CFSClass, covering the western part of Libya west of
longitude E20. The scenery is designed to match to the west onto my
CFSTunisia (Tunisia and eastern Algeria), to the north onto my SicStrait
(which includes all of the water and islands between Libya and Sicily,
including Malta, Pantelleria, and the other small Italian islands
of Lampedusa, Lampione and Linosa), and to the east onto Mauro Giacomazzi's
Nord Africa scenery (covering eastern Libya and Egypt). Requires texture
files CFSMedTextures. By C Burgess. 342K |