for the Bell/TEXTRON OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Scout/Attack Helicopter
(FS2K) Demands of the battlefield change quickly, and the
Armed OH-58D Kiowa Warrior changes with them: one minute, it's
hunting tanks with its mast-mounted sight and electronic cockpit,
the next minute it's engaging enemy aircraft from the maximum
standoff range with its Stinger air-to-air missile system. Anti-personnel
and anti-materiel are also in its repertoire, and the helicopter
can be easily configured for several peacetime roles, including
cargo carrying and drug interdiction. No other helicopter can
match its combination of firepower, survivability and target
acquisition.Two Armed OH-58Ds can be rapidly deployed by C-130
to anywhere in the world. The helicopter's versatility and weaponry
makes it a lethal counter to most conventional threats. 616K |

SKI- COPTER with panel and sounds nite-lite effects and
moving parts, working Landing-lite beam. By : Tom Hutson. 3.1MB |


- panels Piasecki H-21 panel This is a Panel for the " Flying
Banana " H/CH-21. The panel bmp is based on a little photo taken
in a H-21 conserved at the museeum of the french army (ALAT)
at DAX in the south west of france. Michael Vader. 1.5MB |

412 / Griffon. For FS 2000 only.. Aa simple repaint of Brian
Whiteleggs Bell 412, with new panel and interior sound. Designed
by Brian Whitelegg using FSDS and Aircraft Animator. Repaint
by Mike Busby. 1.4MB |

412 / Griffon SKI PATROL. For FS 2000 only. Designed by
Brian Whitelegg using FSDS and Aircraft Animator. Another Repaint
from Mike Busby, A fictional SKI PATROL helicopter. Hope you
like it. Features include animated rotors, sounds, nav, strobe
and searchlights (L key for lights) and an original flight dynamics
file by Tim Harris. With the exception of the rotor assemblies
and aerials all parts can be repainted, including the skids.
As usual, do what you like with it, just don't sell it. Copyright
Brian Whitelegg. 1.6MB |

The Virtual United States Coast Guard (VUSCG) is an organization
of fellow flight simulator enthusiasts that enjoy simulating
the missions and procedures of our nation's coast guard. We
have found terrific enjoyment from trying to emulate the heroic
and life-threatening jobs that real-world USCG men and women
perform as a daily routine. Out of admiration and respect, we
have tried to make this organization as realistic as our virtual
environment will allow and have made every effort to maintain
a similar level of professionalism to our real- world counterparts.
Aircraft design by: Capt Slug Use and repaint by permission
of designer. Repaint by: Ray Brower. 806K |

