Southern Brazil Cities.
. Upgrades the cities of Florianpolis, Navegantes-Itajai, Balneario
Camboriu and Porto Alegre.Adds bridges, roads, villas, custom
buildings, new textures, landmarks and more.Porto Alegre hosts
the World Social Forum each year. It does not include the airports.
By Jorge Pagano. 1.9MB |
Rosario, Argentina.
The scenery Upgrades the city of Rosario, the 2nd largest in
Argentina. Includes several landmarks like the Flag's Monument,
RosarioCentral Stadium and the newly constructed Rosario-Victoria
Bridge . It does not include the airport.By Jorge Pagano. 1.1MB |
Total Kai Tak Scenery Package
This is the first release of the total package containing the
first work-in-progress version of the scenery. The package contains
much more than just a Kai Tak scenery. As well as detailed and
authentic scenery, the package contains full working comms and
navaids, a custom AFCAD file, TTools data for AI, Runway Approach
Charts, a real-life video clip of a Cathay 747 on the IGS and
much more. As such, it represents a complete momento of this
totally unique, now almost completely destroyed airport. 12.6MB |
/ FS2002 Formosa (Taiwan) Mesh.
Here is LOD 8 scenery mesh for the island of Formosa (Taiwan).
The Mesh is built up from SRTM 3 arc second data using SRTM
To BGL V1.04. Compiled by Gavin Cole. 2.7 MB |
or 2002 scenery - Arecibo Observatory & surrounding hills,
operated by the Cornel University, is a big object in the Arecibo
area, in Puerto Rico, and can be seen from quite a distance.
It is close to the Arecibo airport, ICAO designation ABO (ARE
in FS2002). The observatory is used for radio-astronomy, and
the spheric dish is 304 metres in diameter. ("Spheric" as opposed
to "parbolic"). The "receiver-transmitter" is in a gondola suspended
over the dish by three sets of cables, which are suspended from
three towers. The Microsoft FS2004 site has testimonials claiming
the existence of the observatory, but it only exists in FS2000,
where it is quite poorly done. Author: Fern Marques. 111K |