RCAF DHC2 Beaver.
This is a repaint of Steven Grant DHC2 Beaver in the colors
of RCAF. For full credits please read the "readme.doc" and OriginalReadme
Repaint by Henry William. 4.6MB |
Private DHC2 Beaver Amphibian
This is a repaint of Steven Grants DHC2 Beaver in red and green
colors. For full credits please read the "readme.doc" and OriginalReadme
Repaint by Henry William. 3.6MB |
2004 Air Alps Dornier 328-110.
Air A!ps DO 328-110. The Air Alps fleet comprises 8 Dornier
328-110 turboporps, which have been in service for an avarage
of 5 years. With a cruising speed of 620 km/h, the 31-seater
- also known as the "Mercedes of the Skies - is much faster
than conventional turboprops. Version 2.0, updated by Robert
Galley, Air Alps Aviation. 55MB |

Howard 500 Package - No Virtural Cockpit.
Super detailed gMax fully animated, radial propelled, taildragger
AC with "hand-flyer" flight dynamics, features a custom panel
patterned after the N500HP, an easy-to-read fully functional
2D cockpit with real world Howard 500 views, knee panels and
additional pop-up panels, a special N500HP paint scheme by Joáo
Paz, sounds mixed to resemble the rw AC, specular highlites
and Html checklists. This pkg will not work in FS2002. By Milton
Shupe, Scott Thomas, and Joáo Paz. 14.3MB |

Howard 500 Package with VC.
Supoer detailed Pkg incl gMax fully animated, radial propelled,
taildragger AC with "hand-flyer" flight dynamics, features a
custom panel patterned after the RW N500HP, an easy-to-read
fully functional virtual cockpit with day lighting and VC gauge
backlighting for night, a special N500HP paint scheme by Joáo
Paz and nice matching leather interior, sounds mixed to resemble
the rw AC, specular highlites in the VC and Html checklists.
This package will not work in FS2002. By Milton Shupe, Scott
Thomas, and Joáo Paz. 14.7MB. Filename: hw5vc4.zip |
DHC6-300 Super Twin Otter "Vistaliner" Package. Grand Caynon
N173GC based (KGCN), Scenic Airlines, N146SA based (KVGT).
Both fly tourist flights through the Grand Caynon. This Full
Package Includes panel, views and sound package by Premier
Aircraft Design. VIEW THE README_FIRST for full Information.
Model made in Gmax with dynamic shine, 4 bladed props, Exit
Doors, full suspension and much more. By Udo Lemmob,Barry
Blaisdell,& Bob May. 16.8MB
Update Radio Tuning Update. . 5K |
NEIVA P-56 Paulistinha Package
- Adding four new Paints from "Aeroclube de Bragança Paulista"
and photorealistc panel schemes. The greatest flight schools
primary trainer in the 60 decade in Brazil. All planes has moving
parts and fuselage with realistic shape of fabric covertures.
Original Model and FDE By “J.E.Narcizo”. Personalized by William
Carlos de Oliveira. 3.8MB |