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Missions & Campaigns Page 13
Spitfire Missions: 2 new missions for CFS. RAF Memorial Spitfire included. You need the B17g for the B17 bombing missions. You were sent to destroy German factories and airfields but the USAAF bombers are having problems bombing factories with the fighters in the way so keep them of and shoot them all down. By Steven Hill. 312K
The B17g bombing mission I made two new missions of the old B17g Fly the B17g and bomb factories and Emden submarine base to ashes But dont get shot down by German fighters. Mission one has two formations of bombers but a small formation so stay on the left side to bomb the rest of the submarine base and dont worry about the fighters the escort will take care of them. B17g included. 306K
WORLD WAR 2 SPITFIRES WAR for CFS1. I made 6 new missions for CFS. All aircrafts included. Fly for RAF as thay take down German fighters and bombers to defend airfields, London Docks and the weopons base. No required aircrafts or scenery. By Steven Hill. 944K

CFS1 WW1 Campaign 1914-1918 Belgian Side. Ever dreamt of flying as wingman of Jan Olieslager, the Big Belgian Ace from the great war? This Campaign is fiction but tries to recapture the atmosphere from the flying circusses in WW1. Original scenery from different auteurs. All aircraft included with new Air and Dpfile and scaled up for better visibility and less collision risk. Made by A.F.Scrub. 3.9MB

Update for Belgian WW1 Campaign Would you like to catch those invincible Gotha's and hear all engines turning? Replace the original Gotha with the one included and unzip new sound file to Albatros, Be2 and Spad XIII. A.F.Scrub. 294K

CFS1 mission pack: I have improved some of CFS1 missions and now you can fly the WWI aircrafts and fight against the WWII and the WWII aircrafts against WWI. But you have to be a good pilot to play this mission pack like me. I have been playing this for 2 years and this one is hard. All aircrafts and gauges included. By Steven Hill. 3.1MB

CFS1 mission pack update 1: Adds 4 RAF missions and 2 aircrafts. 611K

CFS1 mission pack update 2: Adds 2 RAF missions. 10K

CFS1 mission pack update 3: Now it adds 3 Luftwaffe missions and 1 aircraft. 182K

CFS-1. Seine Bridges. Another fictitious raid by the USSTAF and the 9th AF targeting the bridges over the river Seine to disrupt German communications immediatly prior to D-Day. Fly a P47d to make your attacks, a P51 and a Me109g to defend your interests. 3 missions concerning the same action. By Terry Baldwin. 91K

AUGUST STORM. A campaign for CFS 1 The final Soviet offensive of world war two was not directed against Germany, but against Japan. Follow the First Far Eastern Front in it's advance into Manchuria from it's bases around Vladivostok. Includes ten missions, seven add on aircraft, and a limited amount of scenery. Richard Steele. 2.5MB

PATCH FILE FOR AUGUST STORM CAMPAIGN. Scenery patch file, replaces some of the original scenery of the "August storm" campaign removing the low altitude problems (flying into unseen objects ect) of the original. Richard Steele. 22K

"WELCOME TO PEENEMUENDE" (mission for CFS1) Author: Paolo Davide Anghinelli. 1.2MB
Flying Tank I - Endurance Time CFS 1 Campaing covering the ordeal of a fictional squadron of Thunderbolts during the summer of 1943, from their first deployment on England up to the bombings of October '43. Even when the campaign is fictional, it follows closely the actual events. No scenery nor aircraft download is needed. All default CFS stuff. Made with Mission Editor 3.0.3 by Cor Dickland. This is the first campaign of a series to come. Pablo Bauleo. 126K

BARBAROSSA A campaign for CFS 1 This is barbarossa seen from the soviet side. Taken by surprise by the German invasion, and kept off balance by their rapid advance, the summer of 1941 could well have been the end of the soviet union. But the Russians managed to hold on until the arrival of winter and reserves from the east. 17 missions that take you from the first days of the invasion of the Soviet Union to the defense of Moscow. Five aircraft included, incorporates C Burgess's Crimea scenery. Richard Steele. 2.9MB

PATCH FILE FOR THE BARBAROSSA CAMPAIGN Responding to E mails concerning problems with I-16 as a drone, I have rewritten the early mission files so that the entire campaign can be flown with the Lagg-3. Richard Steele. 50K