FSX Prop discs for the Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation The directory FSX_propdisks contains a range of replacement texture files for you to try out on your FSX setup. Due to the number of FSX variants it is difficult to say which one will work and which one won't. The default propdisk.bmp contained in the texture folder will be too dark and ungainly in FSX. To install one of the FSX prop discs do the following: (1) Remove the current propdisk texture from the texture folder and store it in a backup folder. (2) Copy one of the files included in the FSX_Propdisks folder to the texture folder. (3) Rename it either propdisk.bmp or propdisk.dds (leaving the file type (extension) of the source file unchanged). (4) Make sure ONE AND ONLY ONE propdisk texture is resident in your texture folder. (5) Start FSX and test the result. Note, we have not managed to create a replacement prop disc that does not cast a solid shadow. Textures created by Diego Barreto and Nick Cooper.