A320-211_British.zip > A320-211_British\A320-211 British Airways FSX\OriginalReadme.txt
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Project Airbus A320-232 British Airways (G-EUUK)
for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 ACOF

Author: Jeffrey S. Bryner
email: jeffreybryner@hotmail.com

Project Airbus is proud to present the Airbus A320, version 2. Contains accurate model with details such as: opening passenger and cargo doors, animated pack inlets and outflow valves, all operatable control surfaces, detailed flap tracks and slat rails, hydraulics modelled on spoilers and landing gear doors. 

British Airways has been my international airline of choice all my life.  It took me across the "pond" to Barcelona and back many times.  What a great airline.  So it may go without saying that painting this A320 in British Airways livery was a true pleasure and honor. I chose this particular airframe because it is one of the newer A320's in British Airways A320 fleet. It was delivered to BA in December of 2002.  I also chose it for the interesting registration; G-EUUK.  I saw that and thought.... EU for European Union and UK for....ok, well that's obvious, right?  So, on the tail and the forward gear bay doors is are the letters "UK".  Magic, no?  I strived for accuracy and detail as much as my skills and tools would permit. I hope I have not failed any of you in that respect.  Most of the textures in the repaint are 32-bit with no mipmaps. The wings are DXT3. If you need DXT3 textures, contact me and I'll send you them.

Installation Instructions:
This is a complete install. The panel and sound are from the default 737-400, but if you read below, I have some recommendations for a A320 panel and IAE soundset.  Unzip this package directly into your Aircraft folder. It will create a folder there named \Project Airbus A320-232 BAW_G-EUUK.  When you start FS, look for the aircraft under the manufacturer Project Airbus, a type of A320-232 and variation of British Airways (G-EUUK).

Other Enhancements:
I suggest that if you want an "as real as it gets" experience in your Project Airbus A320-232 (IAE) download and install the following:

Undoubtedly the most outstanding, detailed and realistic Airbus A320 freeware panel available is by Ken Mitchell. To get it, you will need the following files at AVSIM.COM:

 - ab320km_panel.zip
 - km320upd.zip

Oh yes, if you want the updated square LCDs on you A320 panel, I suggest you get the updated Ken Mitchell panel. Here's the filename on AVSIM:
 - ab320km_lcd_update_tcc.zip 

There are several, but a soundset I suggest is the IAE V2500 Sounds For The A320 Family (Version 2) by Emil Serafino Jr. This chap does great work. They are for the Airbus A32x with the IAE V2500 engines. To get them, download the following file at AVSIM.COM:

 - v2500_a32x_snd_v2.zip 

 Lighting Effects:
A nice enhancement for the Project Airbus A320 by James Gray, this modification will add light splashes over the engines and wing leading edges - both sides, as well as correctly positions spot lights on the forward fuselage, where the wing lights are positioned.  It is to be used with Ken Mitchell's A320 panel (mentioned above). To get this effect, download the following file at AVSIM.COM:

 - pa-a320_wing_lights.zip

If you have any questions regarding or problems with the lighting enhancement, please contact James Gray (as he is the author) using the contact information in his download.

- First and foremost, Project Airbus and its talented people for the exceptional Airbus A320 model and their paintkits,
- Martin Wright for the indispensable DXTBMP utility program,
- All the countless other people like you who make this hobby one of the most enjoyable I know!

This is freeware with the following restrictions.
 - You must comply with any terms and conditions established by Project Airbus in their respective license agreements,
 - You may not upload this to any website without my expressed permission,
 - You may not sell this package in its entirely or its constituent elements,
 - If you do get my permission to use this, you are obligated to post written credit to me and all of the individuals and organizations mentioned in the section "Credits"  above.
 - If you downloaded this package from a site other than AVSIM.COM, Flightsim.com, Simviation.com or Surclaro.com or otherwise without my permission, you are in direct violation of this license agreement. Do not be confused that "freeware" implies that a work is not protected by terms and conditions placed on it by its author. Freeware simply means the author did not charge you money to license it. But it is still licensed, artistic and intellectual property of the author and subject to his agreement of use and distribution. Asking my permission is a simple task and demonstrates respect for my work.

Keep it free (no payware)!
Jeff Bryner
Home regional airport (KLNS)
Home international airport (KMDT)