A320-211_British.zip > A320-211_British\Readme.txt
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Airbus A320-211 British Airways with VC and FMC for FSX. Includes enhanced default A321 VC with better gauges and popup FMC (Go to FSX top menu - Go to Views -Instrument Panel), GPWS callouts. Custom CFM sounds. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J).Model by Project Airbus. Original textures by Jeffrey Bryner. Prepared and assembled for FSX by Chris Evans

April 2014


1.	Unzip to a Tempfolder.
2.      Move the folder 'A320-211 British Airways FSX' to the 'FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes' directory.
3. 	Enjoy flying!


I assemble complete files for FSX because I know a majority of people have trouble making adaptions to FSX using part files. I put the best of the best together and we get more people to enjoy using FSX. This way it helps our hobby. If people cannot easily use aircraft they go find another hobby. 



- First and foremost, Project Airbus and its talented people for the exceptional Airbus A320 model and their paintkits,
- Martin Wright for the indispensable DXTBMP utility program,
- All the countless other people like you who make this hobby one of the most enjoyable I know!
- Jeff Bryner

This is freeware with the following restrictions.
 - You must comply with any terms and conditions established by Project Airbus in their respective license agreements,
 - You may not upload this to any website without my expressed permission,
 - You may not sell this package in its entirely or its constituent elements,
 - If you do get my permission to use this, you are obligated to post written credit to me and all of the individuals and organizations mentioned in the section "Credits"  above.
 - If you downloaded this package from a site other than AVSIM.COM, Flightsim.com, Simviation.com or Surclaro.com or otherwise without my permission, you are in direct violation of this license agreement. Do not be confused that "freeware" implies that a work is not protected by terms and conditions placed on it by its author. Freeware simply means the author did not charge you money to license it. But it is still licensed, artistic and intellectual property of the author and subject to his agreement of use and distribution. Asking my permission is a simple task and demonstrates respect for my work.

Keep it free (no payware)!
Jeff Bryner
Home regional airport (KLNS)
Home international airport (KMDT)