\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ AUTOPILOT INFORMATION /////////////////////////////////////////// PLs read the following information that helps you -----> Step One To use this autopilot manually, learn in the main controll center of the cockpit under the throttles. DONT FORGUET TO LET THE JOYSTIK or CONTROLL STIK IN A CORRECT POSITION, NOT TO DESCENT MODE IN AUTOPILOT, obevius it will go down. So pleas take care of this point. -----> Step two Second is the heading, it maybe turn left and right during flight but that is only because the wing and turbulenc, if you make clear weather you see it fly with no problems. For the modern pilot's I pasted the modern autpilot in the main panel (2D). Have fun to fly TriBird ^^ P.S.: sorry for my bad english :) r rrrr i ccccc aaaa r rrrr d oooo t rr r i c a rr r d o o tttt r i c aaaaa r ddddd o o t v v r i c a a r d d o o t v v r i c a a r d d o o t v v r i c a a r d d o o ____________ t v v r i ccccc aaaa a r dddd d oooo ttt v