Installation: 1. Place the file "texture.ONA 1971" in your JustFlight DC-8-63CF folder. 2. In that same DC-8-63CF folder, locate the aircraft.cfg file, and then copy and paste the information below into the aircraft cfg file. Ensure that you replace the "X" with the next number in sequence. [fltsim.X] title=DC-8-63CF ONA 1971 sim=DC-8-63CF model=63CF panel= sound= texture=ONA 1971 kb_checklists=DC-8 CHECKLISTS kb_reference=jf_DC-8-63_ref atc_id=N864F atc_airline=Douglas atc_flight_number= ui_manufacturer="Douglas" ui_type="DC-8-63CF" ui_variation="Overseas National" ui_typerole="Commercial Airliner" ui_createdby="Just Flight" atc_parking_codes= atc_parking_types=GATE,RAMP description=Overseas National Airways - ONA Douglas DC-8-63CF 1971. Model by JustFlight. Repaint by Ted Giana.