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In American law, at the instant original intellectual property is created, the copyright also exists and never expires. Registration is not required to establish rights, only to offer bonifide proof. In reality, the law is simple. Do not copy and/or redistribute anything without permission! For further information, see

Original Copyrights and credits: 
The FS9 flight simulation aircraft was designed by Milton Shupe, panel by Scott Thomas, textures by Andre Folkers, and (future) Sounds by musXman with alpha and beta testing, feedback, and input by seasoned flightsimmers and real world pilots. There may be other copyright files by other authors denoted in their respective readme's.
Model Designer      : Milton Shupe 
Flight Dynamics     : Milton Shupe using Jerry Beckwith's Flight Dynamics Workbook
Technical Data	    : Consolidated from Google Search Results the world over
Tested              : Team Members, J. Eric Payne and great flight simmers everywhere
UVW Mapping         : Milton Shupe
Panel               : Copyright by Scott Thomas
XML Gauges          : Scott Thomas
XML Advisor	    : many thanks to Nick Pike for technical and programming assistance 
Textures            : Copyright by Andre Folkers
Paint Kits	    : Copyright by Andre Folkers
Sounds		    : Aliased to Douglas_DC3 Copyright by Microsoft
Special Effects     : Copyrights by Microsoft, engine startup smoke and fire by Milton Shupe, wing night light effects(Newll) by Kaveh Payandeh

Pilot Head Textures : Copyright by Microsoft
Checklist and Ref's :	Scott Thomas
Website Content	    :	Milton Shupe
Miscellaneous	    :	Pictures of source aircraft: Milton Shupe and Scott Thomas; see Panel Doc for other credits

New Copyrights and Credits:

The original flight simulation aircraft has been modified by David Carroll with the permission of Milton Shupe. With regard to new textures only, Copyright is held by David Carroll. These new textures may not be modified in any way as, by modification, the quality may not be preserved. A new paint kit, provided by David Carroll, must be used for this purpose. All other original rights, including any expressed desires of authors must be complied with.

Texture Notes:

FS9 Changes:

b18eng_back.bmp			modified to stop see through cowl vents

eng0_L.bmp			unused textures
eng0_t.bmp				|
eng1_L.bmp				|
eng1_t.bmp				|
fuse_L.bmp				|
fuse_t.bmp				|
tail_L.bmp				|
tail_t.bmp				|
wings_L.bmp				|
wings_t.bmp			unused textures		

fusemain_l.bmp			new mapped textures
fusemain_t.bmp				|
lwing_l.bmp				|
lwing_t.bmp				|
nacelles_l.bmp				|
nacelles_t.bmp				|
rwing_l.bmp				|
rwing_t.bmp			new mapped textures

pa28_pilot.bmp			copyright by Microsoft

Strut2.bmp			modified to allow painted gear parts

vcposts.bmp			changed to 8 Bit
vccabinrwpanel.bmp		changed colors for blue a/c trim or Navy black/gray
vccabinwalls3.bmp			|
vccabinwalltan256.bmp			|
vccarpetgreen.bmp			|
wfg.bmp				changed colors for blue a/c trim or Navy black/gray

gearparts.bmp			changed color for Navy white (SNB-5 (1960) only)
spinpropb18.bmp			changed color for Navy black prop (SNB-5 (1960) only)
vccabinflr.bmp			changed colors for Navy black/gray (SNB only)
vcckptroof.bmp			changed colors for Navy black/gray (SNB only)
vcckptside2.bmp			changed colors for Navy black/gray (SNB only)
wheel2.bmp			changed color for Navy white (SNB-5 (1960) only)

New wire frame textures were produced as 2048 X 2048 bitmaps with a scale of 80 pixels per foot (aircraft dimmensions) and mapped in gmax using "Unwrap UVW". I use this method because gmax is not constrained to 1024 X 1024 bitmaps and scales the bitmap to match the wire frame position. The 2048 X 2048 bitmap allows very precise matching of each vertex with the corresponding wire frame intersection on the bitmap.

In the case of the fuselage, at 80 pixels/foot, one bitmap is insufficient to cover the entire fuselage so the fuselage must be divided - main and tail. This produces a discontinuity in the smoothed model. The discontinuity can be corrected by rejoining main and tail after texture mapping and re-smoothing. Before and after models should be saved in case later modifications are required. This technigue would allow mapping a very large continuous structure to several high resolution bitmaps.

FSX Changes:

New texture sets produced from FS9 and new art.

Freeware Notice:

This software is freeware but may not be redistributed without permission. No one may derive monitary profit from this work except by learned methods.