London's Heathrow International Airport - EGLL - by Kambiz Agazi (kagazi) EGLLFIX_KA.bgl fixes the ILS transitions to 9L-27R, taxiway and apron path disconnects causing some BAW AI associated with T5b to vanish, accurate Terminal assignments per the official Website and up-to-date as of August 2009. Plus fixed the altitude of the Tower View. The Tower view altitude is set per the aerodrome and sits above the physical new Control Tower. All other changes remain the same as seen below in version 1. This fix represents a complete installation. Version 1 is not needed. Installation: If you are installing for the first time, see below for installation instructions. If you installed the previous version, remove before installing this version. Version 1 represents EGLL as it existed in February 2009. Some of the changes include: 1. The addition of Terminal 5 (T5a, T5b and T5c) including assigned parking, jetways, aprons, taxiway signs, taxiways and airport support buildings according to the aerodrome chart dated Nov. 2008 - I took it upon myself to complete T5c, which is currently under construction; 2. The new Control Tower with rotating beacon and a fire station with some additional airport buildings and facilities; 3. The extension of Pier 5 at Terminal 3; 4.Terminals 1-5 parking assignments have been completely reworked per the official Website and parking sizes optimized for MyTraffic X 5.2 and WOAI; 5. A single diamond crossing has been located at the intersection of the decomissioned Runway 05-23 (now a taxiway) and runway 09R/27L in order to provide improved ground traffic flow for AI crossing the 09R/27L to/from Terminal 4; 6. The extension of taxiway A at the location of the diamond crossing and taxi signs were modified or added as required; 7. Runway markings, lights and approach lighting and equipment were modified to match existing conditions; 8. EGLL now optimized to host/support the A380 including 2 dedicated gates w/jetways at T4 and 4 ramp parking spots West of T3; 9. While not required; and 10. New ILS approaches including final and transitions plus holds for Runways 9L and 27R - also corrected misplaced DME at 9L. All approaches based on most recent published plates (Feb. 2009). In order to facilitate AI flow optimization at EGLL, RWYs 9L-27R used for landing only, and RWYs 9R-27L used for take-off only. Data: The UNITED KINGDOM AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION PUBLICATION dated February 2009 including all IAPs and referenced final approaches. Note about transitions: EGLL ILS transitions begin with holds at 7,000ft. When cleared by ATC, you descend according to the IAP to intersect the GS. In this version of EGLL I have removed the holds for all ILS transitions. The ILS transitions begin with clearance to final. Intersect the GS at the DME10 for 9L (L109) and 27R (R1027) at 3,000 ft. Terminal airline assignments are very accurate per October 2009 specifications including BAW AND QFA from T4 to T3. EIN from T1 to T3. AFR, AZA, CSA from T2 to T4. KAL from T3 to T4. Gate assignments are approximated only. Parking sizes have been optimized for the WOAI and MTX 5.2a schedules. While EGLL will work with "other" AI packages, I can't guarantee that every airline will park at the correct Terminal or Pier when using other AI packages. Installation: Place both bgl files in a scenery folder of your choice - don't forget to activate the scenery in FSX. One location could be the Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\Scenery folder. Start up FSX and the scenery will be active. Note, EGLL_KA.bgl should be placed at a higher scenery priority level in FSX as compared to other scenery in the area including UTX Europe or other UK scenery. To uninstall, simply remove/delete the file. I have tested EGLL using FSX sp2, and while I don't anticipate issues with using the earlier versions (RTM and SP1), I cannot guarantee that the visuals will look the same on every setup. While not needed for the scenery to work, I also tested to ensure that EGLL works with UTX Europe AND Scenery Tech Europe and FS Genesis Europe Mesh; While every attempt was made to eliminate errors, there's no such thing as "perfect" scenery. Please let me know if you come across any MAJOR errors or problems. Special note: EGLL_KA.bgl was created using the powerful airport design utility by Jon Masterson (ADE V1.40). Please visit here: for more information. The final approach with transitions were created using the latest official plates and ADE V1.40. A special thanks to Jim Vile who is a member of the ADE team and is the author of the approach code module of ADE. The IAPs and final approaches to runways 9L and 27R would not have been possible without Jim's KIAD tutorial and help. Happy Flying! kagazi