-------------------------------- EDDF version 2.1 1999 by Richard Zeman -------------------------------- Updated version of EDDFv20 This is the new, updated version of original EDDFv2.0 from Januaryl 1999. There some new buildings, textures etc. Most important - the Glide Slopes are fixed for correct altitude of 364 feet and there is a synthetic file used to overwrite default tiles of FS98..... If you include this file in your scenery directory you will have more accurate outline of Frankfurt city and correct altitude of 364 feet. If you do not put this file in your scenery directory, the airport will sit on default tile of Frankfurt area at 870 feet....... There is also an exclusion file that will eliminate all scenery in 4 kilometers radius for those using commercial sceneries...... This version will not erase polygons when used in Europe I environment....!!!! If you have only default Germany from FS98 you do not need to put this file in the scenery directory..... History.... I have made this scenery after I have downloaded Michael Kopatz's Dusseldorf 1.7. (also available from FlightSim.com) He has done great job and it was he who was my inspiration to get started with this. In the beginning I did not know how much work it is to do something like this. It took me 4 months and I still could do lot of improving. I learned as I went and used Airport 2.0 with Scasm compiler by Moldenhauer. Those are great tools and I would like to thank their authors for great job that they did for our Scenery designing community. There are some visibility problems, however they should not be apparent when one does realistic movements around the airport. I have tried to keep the frame rate as high as possible so there are some trade offs. I have made this scenery for those who have not purchased BAO's Europe or some other commercial scenery. Since FS98 does not have Frankfurt Main as a default I wanted to fill in this gap. Althought I have not tested int in Europe I or II environment, several friends e-mailed me that they have tested it and it works O.K.! I have tested it only at home with FS98 and Converter installed INSTALATION I have archived this scenery so the installation will be done automatically and all the files will be coppied into proper directories. That is....... As with other FS98 sceneries, one has to make subdirectory for any additional sceneries All *.bgl files go into Scenery subdirectory and texture files *.pat and *.ngt *.r8 into Texture subdirectory. example...... c:\FS98\EDDF\ SCENERY\ - all *.BGL files TEXTURE\ - all *.pat *.ngt *.r8 *.oav files Note that synth.bgl and eddf_exc.bgl are optional !!!! If you keep synth.bgl in Scenery subdirectory it will put airport at altitude of 364 feet and more accurate vicinity of the airport will be drawn..... If you keep eddf_exc.bgl in the same directory it will block out any scenery within 4 kilometers radious that is not in the Scenery subdirectory...i.e. add on sceneries. Important!!! Once instaled one has to go into Scenery files within FS98 and create and activate above scenery................. The instructions how to do this are part of the FS programm.... This Scenery is Local and one does not have to turn off default Europe.... AIRPORT INFO.......... ------------------------------------------- ATIS 118.025 ILS 25R IFNW 109.5 07L IFNE 110.1 25L IFSW 110.7 07R IFSE 111.1 Runway 18-36 is normaly used only for departures. There is an approach plate for 25R and Taxi chart included. If you would like to get more of charts go to http://members.xoom.com/memeyer/Default.html - it is WestWing Airline's Frankfurt manager's web site and he has some of the Jeppessen maps available there..... Navigational beacons are not included in this scnenery - you can get AllNav98 file from many FlightSim boards. This file includes all the missing navaids. Well, enjoy this Scenery and tell me if you have any comments....suggestion for improvements or problems. Do not even think about putting this on some commercial CD or try to charge for it in any other manner. It took me too long to make, to let that just go if I find out...!!!!! Richard Zeman You can contact me at Chrislam@wam.umd.edu