The A-26B/C Invader CFS2 conversion INSTALLATION 1. Unzip or Copy/Paste the 'A-26B Invader_SOH' folder to your CFS2/Aircraft folder. Note: The sound for the "C" model is aliased to this 'A-26B Invader_SOH' aircraft. In order to avoid missing weapons errors, do not attempt to fly this plane until step two is complete. 2. Download and install the assortment of weapons objects according to their individual instructions which are all pretty straightforward for most who've done this before - file name is '' at SOH CFS2 downloads. Some of these weaps you may have already so just use whatever you lack if that's the case. 3. Unzip the gauges to the CFS2/Gauges folder - don't worry about the overwrites, just select "yes" to all. *********************************************************************** Other Notes: Features : Canopy and ladders- shift c Cowl Flaps - shift e and cntrl e Bombay Doors - D (spoiler key) 1. Flaps mandatory for takeoff, rotate at full weight at around 122 knots. Use WEP for max takeoff power and max level flight speed (300 seconds allowed) 2. Change nose gear steering contact point.0 as instructed in aircraft.cfg if you have no pedals. 3. The texture folder contain 4 sets of sunglasses colors for the JAVIS pilots: orange, green, black, and chrome. The active texture name is sunglass2_t.bmp. Just rename to replace.