BD-5 PIZZA FLYER TEXTURES for FSX by Rick Federmann ( March 2014 Aircraft: Bede BD-5 by Jez G ===================================================================== The default location for FSX aircraft folders in Win7 is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X \SimObjects\Airplanes\ Your file location may be different. ===================================================================== INSTALLATION The textures can be used in both the prop and jet versions of Jez G's BD-5 aircraft. 1. Copy the "texture.PizzaFlyer" folder to the BD-5 and/or BD-5J aircraft folder. 2. In the aircraft folder locate the aircraft.cfg file. IMPORTANT: Save a backup copy of aircraft.cfg. If things go wrong you can simply copy the backup copy back into this folder to recover. 4. Open aircraft.cfg in Windows Notepad (only use a plain-text editor!). 5. Each [fltsim.x] section defines an aircraft. Add a new section for this repaint, using the next available number. For example, if the last aircraft definition is [fltsim.2] then add the new section as [fltsim.3] 6. Copy these lines into the aircraft.cfg file: For the PROP version: [fltsim.x] // replace x with next available section number title=BD-5 Pizza Flyer sim=BD-5 model= panel= sound= texture=PizzaFlyer kb_checklists= kb_reference= atc_id= ui_manufacturer="Bede" ui_type="BD-5" ui_variation="Pizza Flyer" ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop" ui_createdby="Bede" description= For the JET version: [fltsim.x] // replace x with next available section number title=BD-5J Pizza Flyer sim=BD-5J model= panel= sound= texture=PizzaFlyer kb_checklists= kb_reference= atc_id= ui_manufacturer="Bede" ui_type="BD-5J" ui_variation="Pizza Flyer" ui_typerole="Single Engine Jet" ui_createdby="Bede" description= 7. Save and close the aircraft.cfg file. 8. In the simulator the picture for each aircraft is the thumbnail.jpg file within each aircraft's folder. To display the correct thumbnail for the prop or jet version go into the texture.PizzaFlyer folder for each aircraft and copy "thumbnail-jet.jpg" or "thumbnail-prop.jpg" to "thumbnail.jpg" as needed. ===================================================================== NOTES You can hide unwanted versions of aircraft by simply adding // in front of their [fltsim.x] entry in the aircraft.cfg file. Example: // [fltsim.3] A [fltsim.0] entry is required. If [fltsim.0] is the aircraft you want to hide: 1. Change the existing "[fltsim.0]" to "// [fltsim.0]" 2. Change another [fltsim.x] line to "[fltsim.0]"