FSX SCENERY KCEF WESTOVER AFB FOR FSX ONLY by Dan French daniel.frenchmd@att.net HISTORY: I was working on a scenery for ETAR Ramstein AFB and needed a stopover on the US east coast. I knew an MAIW C-5 group was at Westover, so stopped there. Westover hasn't been updated in FSX since Jim Cook's release years ago. So I went for it, using the default FSX scenery and design ideas from Jim's AFX. Here is a version of KCEF Westover built on some photoreal scenery with custom made hangars and buildings, some with interiors, as close to internet photos and Google Earth as I could get. Parking slots indexed for MAIW's East Coast C-5 AI package. ISSUES: 1. There are no combat aircraft assigned to Westover since the '60's, but I have a line for military combat aircraft since, on my setup, a lot of MAIW aircraft land there and I wanted to put them all in one place. REQUIREMENTS: The SCENERY requires The following free downloadable libraries for some things to show up (file references are for FlightSim.com): 1. EZ Scenery libraries (David Grindele's all-inclusive available for free download at flightsim.com ez_1.zip) 2. Military Hangars and Buildings Library ("dlf_lib_MilitaryHangarsBldgs.zip) 3. Loney's Hangars and Buildings (FlightSim.com "loneys_hangars_and_buildings1.zip") 4. Dan French Core LibrariesVol5_FSX or higher (At flightsim.com search for dlfcorelibraries5FSX.zip) 5. CalClassic Core objects library for FSX (www.calclassic.com) (Some ramp lights and a John Loney file are from here) 6. Jim Dhaenens lights set: fsx_lts.zip 7. The late, great Sidney Schwartz's parking lots for FSX (objlib-large-car-parking-fsx.zip) and lights for FSX (lights_ss_v2+.zip) at AVSIM 8. objlib-jgse-fsx.zip for FSX by John Stinstrom at FlightSim.com INSTALLATION OF SCENERY: 1. Download the KCEF_WestoverAFB_dlfFSX.zip file to a temporary folder and extract all the files. 2. Place or copy the entire folder "KCEF Westover AFB" into your FSX/Addon Scenery folder. 3. Turn on Flight Simulator FSX 5. At the main menu, click on and open the SETTINGS button. 6. Under "Other Settings" click on and open the "Scenery Library" 7. Click on "Add Area", then navigate to "Addon Scenery". Double click to open, select the "KCEF Westover AFB" folder you added above and click the "OK" button. 8. At this point, the title of the folder should appear in the "Area List" menu of Flight Simulator with a check mark in the "Enabled" column. 9. Click the "OK" button and exit /close Flight Simulator. The next time you fly, the scenery should be in place. 10. Remove any other AFCAD or AFX files for KCEF or strange things will happen at the airport. They are usually in the FSX/ Addon Scenery/ scenery folder labelled ADE_KCEF, AF2_KCEF, AFX_KCEF or something similar. Turn off any previous KCEF or Westover scenery folders in the FSX Scenery Library window (described in step 4-9 above). CREDITS: Airport surfaces created with Airport Design Editor Textures created in Adobe PhotoShop CS5 Base airport runways and taxiways design idea from Jim Cook's AFX in westover-1.zip Structures created in Google Sketchup and converted with Arno Gerretson's Model Converter X, one of the most valuable tools out there for model making. THANKS for hours of fun! Many thanks to Al Von Pingle for advice and test flying. Copyright and Distribution -------------------------- This scenery is released as Freeware. Copyright Dan French. As freeware you are permitted to distribute this archive subject to the following conditions: - The archive must be distributed without modification to the contents of the archive. Redistributing this archive with any files added, removed or modified is prohibited except as described below. - The inclusion of any individual file from this archive in another archive without the prior permission of the author is prohibited. - No charge may be made for this archive. Distribution associated with any cost or fee is prohibited. Uploading to any site or person that charges any fees is prohibited. This is for free. - The authors' rights and wishes concerning this archive must be respected. THE AUTHOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT YOU MIGHT INCUR AS A RESULT OF USING THESE PRODUCTS. YOU ASSUME THE RISK OF USE. Copyright 2022 by Daniel L. French. All Rights Reserved.