Welcome to the Heart of Idaho! The mountain country has to be seen to be believed. As one who grew up exploring this part of the US I had the fortunate opportunity to do things that most just dream about. Who wouldn't want to swim in hot-spring fed lakes, or pools? Idaho has more hot springs than any other state. Have you ever climbed up to a pass at 10,000 feet? And then looked down at those who chose not to climb 1500 feet below, looked left at your brother, and then looked over the pass at the mountain basin that begged to be explored. I did these things 58 years ago. You can do it tomorrow if you want to. This FSX adventure will take you to many places I have visited. It will also take you to places that I have not yet visited. Some of the strips are difficult to get into. That is typical of mountain flying. Some are reasonable. Your flying skills will be tested as you figure out the best approach. The simulation consists of 19 airports in Central Idaho. Twelve existing strips have had improvements consisting of strip surface improvements to allow all-season activity, and some eye candy. Seven new air facilities have been added to the area. You arrive by jet at KSMJ. The Sawtooth Mountains Jetport sits just west of Stanley Idaho. It has regular service from Hailey (KSUN), Boise (KBOI), and Idaho Falls (KIDA). If your arrival is at Gate A1 you will be welcomed by an Idaho bush pilot on the port side of the aircraft. At KSMJ you can choose how and where you will travel next. You will see that the airport is rather busy. Aircraft are arriving and departing regularly for interesting places that most folks don't visit. You have a choice. If you like float plane flying take your favorite fixed wing aircraft and fly down to Alturus Lake Resort. Land on the strip, and then select your favorite float plane (mine is the Twin Otter) and start either from the dock or the lake runway. I have added VORs (and a DME) to the locations to help you find them. Here are the stats. Existing Airports (improved) --------Runway------------ ----VOR---- ICAO Airport Name Lat(N) Long(W) Elev(ft) Rway Length(ft) Surface Freq ID 0U0 Landmark USFS 44.6423 115.5333 6662 16/34 4000 gravel 109.00 0U0 0U1 Warm Springs Creek 44.1422 115.3143 4831 02/20 2915 gravel 108.80 0U1 1U9 Pine 43.4623 115.3092 4232 16/34 2300 gravel 108.90 1U9 2U7 Stanley 44.2085 114.9345 6403 17/35 4300 gravel 108.50 2U7 2U8 Thomas Creek 44.7263 115.0035 4400 03/21 2100 gravel 109.05 2U8 52U Weatherby 43.8248 115.3318 4494 03/21 2200 gravel 108.70 52U 55H Atlanta 43.8135 115.1350 5500 16/34 2650 gravel 108.75 55H S81 Indian Creek USFS 44.7613 115.1073 4701 04/22 4650 gravel 108.95 S81 U45 Graham USFS 43.9522 115.2723 5692 18/36 2900 gravel 108.55 U45 U63 Bruce Meadows 44.4155 115.3168 6370 05/23 5000 gravel 108.85 U63 U72 Upper Loon Creek USFS 44.5915 114.8232 5500 04/22 2500 gravel 108.60 U72 U87 Smiley Creek 43.9123 114.7973 7159 14/32 4900 gravel 108.65 U87 New Airports 2ID0 Poverty Flats Ski Area 44.3103 114.3590 9446 12/30 4000 oil-treated 108.20 2ID0 2ID1 Boulder Basin 44.1422 114.5053 9406 08/26 1500 oil-treated 108.25 2ID1 2ID3 Grand Jean Hot Springs 44.1537 115.1600 5095 15/33 4000 oil-treated 108.30 2ID3 2ID6 Easley Hot Springs 43.7707 114.5278 6572 10/28 3500 oil-treated 108.35 2ID6 2ID8 Redfish Lake Float Base 44.1430 114.9214 6548 01/19 10000 water 108.40 2ID8 2ID9 Alturus Lake Resort 43.9200 114.8613 7021 05/23 5000 oil-treated 108.45 2ID9 04/22 9000 water KSMJ Sawtooth Mountains Jetport 44.3502 115.1240 6655 15/33 7500 asphalt 111.10 SMJ 15 ILS 111.15 ISMJ Airports that are used for AI Traffic KBOI Boise KIDA Idaho Falls KLLJ Challis KMYL McCall KSMN Salmon KSUN Hailey KTWF Twin Falls U70 Cascade Items of Interest 0U0 - a Forest Service Strip located east of Warm Lake. Follow Forest Service Road 579 south to Deadwood Reservoir 0U1 - on Highway 21 east of Lowman, just before the road to Grand Jean splits off as 21 heads north up to the Stanley Basin 1U9 - on the northern part of Anderson Ranch reservoir on the Boise River 2U7 - just above Stanley where Bill Harrah spent a lot of money creating Mountain Village 2U8 - on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, take the footbridge over the river to where the river rafts are kept, stay at the Middle Fork Lodge 52U - another Forest Service Strip on the road to Atlanta (part of the mining history of Idaho) 55H - Atlanta where some miners did well, some didn't S81 - another Forest Service Strip on the River of No Return (Salmon River) U45 - accessible by jeep trail, Forest Service strip, silver mine petered out early on U63 - long strip, not sure of the history U72 - Forest Service strip, tough to get into U87 - famous for the Lodge and the wooden bear, great food and nice people 2ID0 - most times you fly into a strip and then take a ski-lift up to ski down, here you fly in to the top of the hill, ski down and then take the lift up to leave 2ID1 - my footprints are all over this high mountain valley (and up a to a peak just west of Boulder) there is a DME to help you vector to the final, a tough one 2ID3 - swam in the pool 60 years ago, beautiful place 2ID6 - four generations of my family have enjoyed this paticular part of Idaho, best place to start if you are going to try and get into Boulder Basin 2ID8 - have fun at the lodge, take the boat ride to the west end of the lake, look up into the valley above, I hiked it, if you like float plane challenges take off for Sawtooth Lake (N44.173076, W115.06455), there are two ways in and two ways out, 2ID9 - caught fish at the west end of the lake a very long time ago KSMJ - if you start from gate A1 Dave will wave as you push back. he is a float plane pilot and would love to ferry you over to Redfish Lake or Alturus Lake. Runway 15 has an ILS [111.15] that can be quite a ride down to minimums. I hope you enjoy visiting these places. Most have a very special place in my heart. If you are curious about what attracts people to mountain country visit Idaho. I hope you like this scenery. Please let me know if there are glitches or bugs. I designed it for FSX as-installed. If you are using Orbx's Central Rocky Mountain scenery you will see it the way I do in my flight deck. Thanks to Jim Dhaenens for the ASR9 radar at KSMJ! You can contact me at hd7450na@gmail.com for bug reports, suggestions, and help. Enjoy! Brett Delana 28 Jan 2019