The Grumman S2Turbo - Civilian Native FSX Variant Operating Comments 1. Doors - shift+e for passenger door 2. Retardant doors - Use Shift+6 to bring up Tank Drop; select Stations 5 and 6 dump tanks. Select each tank again to close doors. Weight is reduced as retardant is dropped. 3. Steering using differential wheel braking and separate engine throttles - or, to convert to "steerable", open aircraft.cfg and swap the first contact point per instructions there 4. Yoke visibility is controlled by clicking the glareshield at top of panel. Pilot visibility is controlled by the Battery On/Off switch. 5. Folding wings are activated using shift+f. If you choose not to use the folding wing feature, then there are lights available in the aircraft.cfg to enhance wingtip lights, or you can enhance the landing lights. Takeoff Hint - With full tanks of retardant, optionally set flap two notches, use neutral trim; begin rotate at 85+ and let her fly off at 95+. Climbout - climb at 1000-1250 fpm depending on weight and preference, keep trimming down as necessary to not exceed climb rate and speed will increase. Landing - Approach at 115 with 2 notches of flaps under power; slow to 90 over the fence decreasing power and speed as you cross; begin a slow flare at +15' and touchdown below 90 kias with light power. With low weight, you can touchdown around 70kias. Use reverse props as necessary. NOTE: To start, ensure your Prop Condition lever (mixture lever for you radial folks) is pulled back to ground fine. Look for the indication on the center VC panel labeled L Beta and R Beta. Lever must be pulled back until indicators light. You may also control taxi speeds using this lever in conjuction with light power torque settings. Milton Shupe August 2019