JAL_744_FSX.zip > JAL_744_FSX > JAL744V4 > POSKY README.txt
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Project Opensky
Copywrite and End User Agreement License
Last Update: 7 April 2009

For updates, visit www.projectopensky.com


Thank you for downloading our aircraft. This download is for use in Microsoft Flight Simulator and is copywrited by Project Open Sky, herein refereced as "POSKY."

Downloading, installing, and/or using the contents of this package you agree to the End User License Agreement (EULA).


1) POSKY aircraft are freeware and must remain this way. No charge may be made for any POSKY file, including payment for server access. There must be zero monitary transfers for access to this or any POSKY aircraft.

2) This file may not be bundled with any other software other than POSKY files, including 3rd party sounds and panel packages. This file may also not be burned on portable media for sale.

2) Official POSKY repaints are uploaded to POSKY's website, Avsim.com, and Flightsim.com and support is given to files downloaded from those websites only. Files downloaded from other websites will not be supported as the integritiy and originality of those files can not be guaranteed.

3) The Flight Dynamics file (.air, .cfg) may not be altered in any way, excluding the following exceptions:
a) Installing official FDE updates issued by POSKY
b) Adding multiple textures to a single .cfg file
c) Adding FSX ground equipment and jetway locations
i) Please do not distribute FDE's modified for FSX, as POSKY does not give support for user-edited FDE's

4) Repaints are always permitted under the following guidelines:
a) POSKY's official textures may never be used without the permission from the original author of the textures
b) Textures used must come from the official POSKY paint kit or built by scratch by the texture artist.
c) Permission to repaint airplanes is not required from POSKY so as long as the paint kit is used.
d) Never upload paints to fsplanet.com.
e) The artist may choose to include textures only or the whole package (textures, model, FDE, sounds, panel);
i) No 3rd party packages may be included with any POSKY repaint (panel, sound)
ii) User-edited FDE's can not be included in the package, with the exceptions of section 3 of this EULA.

5) All logos are property of their respective owners and are reproduced for artistic and illustrative purposes only.

Under NO circumstance is this file to be uploaded to FSPlanet. No support will be given to files downloaded from that site.
POSKY has a strict policy of being freeware, and no matter where you download our files from (included unofficial files) they
must ALWAYS be free of charge. Websites such as FSPlanet that charge to download files also host official POSKY files, and the
administrators of FSPlanet do not cooperate with POSKY or any other FS developer. If you were charged for this package we
apologize, you can get it for free on POSKY's website, AVSIM, and/or FlightSim.com.

All Rights Reserved. The readme and this EULA may be changed without notice. For the lastest EULA, visit


7 Apr 2009