PROJECT OPENSKY BOEING 737-800 Passenger V1 for FS2004 and FSX **** Winglets ***** ************************************************************************ ******* Copyrights: This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky Tested : Project-Opensky Members Master Textures : Corey Ford Painted : Ahmad Sallehuddin A.Sahak ************************************************************************ ******* Features ( in depth ): Fully animated control surfaces Fully independent suspension Front gear steering Trim Animation Opening Passenger Doors Dynamic flexing wings Animated tilting bogies Rolling wheels Animated thrust reversers Fully reflective textures ( each part has different degree of reflection based on material ) Accurate flight dynamics ( accurate FDE with full profiles for wheels, tires, struts, leading/trialing struts, engine types ... Tested by real pilots.) Accurate spoiler animation Detailed textures Full night lighting Visible landing lights from the thingypit Reflective thingypit windows Crash affects Transparent Nav light lenses ************************************************************************ ******* For contact and information visit our webpage:- ************************************************************************ ******* Install: Just unzip the file and send the Aircrafts folder to the FS2004 AIRCRAFT FOLDER. ************************************************************************ ******* Operation: Opening Passenger door: Shift + E ( Opening door ) ************************************************************************ ******* ********** COPYRIGHT AND DISTRIBUTION ********** This aircraft is released as FREEWARE. Copyright (C) Project OpenSky . All rights reserved. **** MODELS or FDE's CANNOT BE MODIFIED, RECOMPILED or REDISTRIBUTED **** COPYRIGHT NOTICE This download is for use in Microsoft Flight Simulator and is copywrited by Project Open Sky, herein refereced as "POSKY." Downloading, installing, and/or using the contents of this package you agree to the End User License Agreement (EULA). EULA 1) This package has been uploaded to certain websites and is available to the public free of charge. No official POSKY package may be uploaded to any other website other than and without prior written permission from POSKY. It may not be uploaded to any website where users must pay to access (including membership fees). Support for our products downloaded from unauthorized websites will not be given. 2) The contents of this package may not be sold in any way, including section 1 of this EULA. The contents may not be used for commercial purposes without the written permission from POSKY. The contents may also not be packaged with any other 3rd party package for download, regardless if freeware or payware. This file may also not be copied to a CD, DVD, or any other type of media for charge. 3) The Model and Flight Dynamics must not be altered, modified, or changed in anyway, other than offical updates issued by POSKY. Using unauthorized edits will not be entitled to support on POSKY's support forums. 4) The contents of this package have been inspected and tested and work correctly on the author(s) computers; however no guarantee that it will work on other computers. This file is to be used at your own risk. POSKY will not and does not accept any responsibility for any damages done to your computer. The installation of this file is relativly simple, however knowledge of installing aircraft is needed. 5) Unauthorized repaints are not permitted. Several FS hosting websites will remove unauthorized repaints at the request of POSKY. a- Authorized Repaints: Repaints for Virtual Airlines, real world airlines, and other repaints are authorized as long as the artist uses the textures from an offical POSKY paint kit or creates his/her own textures from scratch. When ready to distribute the paint, the author has several choices on the method of uploading, either textures only, or the entire model. Regardless of what they upload, they must include the official POSKY readme file (included in paint kit) and the official POSKY EULA (may not be current). Both files are in .txt format and can be available on our forums ( B- Anauthorized Repaints: Textures that use official textures (ones not from the paint kit) regardless if edited or not, are not permitted without prior authorization from the author of the official textures. Any file that is in violation of this rule will be submitted for removal from the hosting website. POSKY and POSKY fans are continuously on lookout for files that violate this rule. 6) All logos used on textures are property of their respectful owner and used in artistic rendition and illustrative purposes only. Textures, Models, and Flight Dynamics are owned by their author(s). Under NO circumstance is this file to be uploaded to FSPlanet. No support will be given to files downloaded from that site. POSKY has a strict policy of being freeware, and no matter where you download our files from (included unofficial files) they must ALWAYS be free of charge. Websites such as FSPlanet that charge to download files also host official POSKY files, and the administrators of FSPlanet do not cooperate with POSKY or any other FS developer. If you were charged for this package we apologize, you can get it for free on POSKY's website, AVSIM, and/or All Rights Reserved. The readme and this EULA may be changed without notice. POSKY EULA January 1, 2009