[lists] 0=&Cover, Aircraft Checklist North American P-51D 1=&Takeoff, Takeoff Checklist 2=C&ruise, Cruise Checklist 3=&Descent, Descent Checklist 4=&Landing, Landing Checklist [0] 0=Note - press shift+C to cycle the following checklists: 1=1. Takeoff 2=2. Cruise 3=3. Descent 4=4. Landing [1] 0=To start engine - press the "CTL+E" key. 1=Check flight controls. 2=Smoothly increase throttle. 3=Hold tail down until sufficient speed (57mph) attained, then raise tail slowly. 4=At about 95-110mph, ease back on the stick. 5=Adjust pitch attitude to climb at 175mph. 6=Retract landing gear. [2] 0=Establish level flight. 1=Power setting for cruise at 25,000ft. 2400 rpm - 37 mp = 210 mph. 2=Adjust elevator trim (Num Pad 7 = nose down, Num Pad 1 = nose up). [3] 0=Reduce power to maintain glide speed of approximately 150 mph. 1=Relax pressure on the controls and the airplane will descend. 2=To level off, increase power to original cruise setting. [4] 0=Reduce power to maintain glide speed of approximately 150 mph. 1=Lower gear below 170 mph and flaps (F8) as needed. 2=Adjust power settings for 130 mph final approach. 3=Over runway, establish slight nose-up attitude. Reduce throttle to idle.