DESCRIPTION: FSX AI Gates Learjet 23 by Henry Tomkiewicz, made flyable in FSX with pre-installed default FSX Lear 45 panel, gauges, and sound, thumbnail pics for your airplane menu, and an FSX compatible engine smoke system. This 2-pack includes the Tomkiewicz white base model and a Tiedman blue and white N6599T repaint model, both flyable in FSX. Packaged, painted, and smoked by Tom Tiedman. WHY? I guess because this one's a bit personal for me, in that the continued lack of a Lear 23 for FSX makes me feel a bit sad, being that the Lear 23 is without a doubt (and this is not open to debate) the most tremendously beautiful, awe inspiring, monumentally gorgeous jet airplane ever manufactured throughout the entire history of aviation! That's why. CREDITS: To Henry Tokiewicz, for his AI Lear 23 as well as the many other wonderful aircraft he has freely given us all. And to the original author of the "fx_smoke_f6.fx" file, whoever you are. Tom Tiedman INSTALLATION: 5 easy steps! 1.) Copy and paste the entire "Gates Lear 23" folder into your FSX "Airplanes" folder. 2.) Copy and paste the enclosed FSX default "Lear_45_XML" gauges cab. file into your FSX "Gauges" folder (if you haven't already done that before). 3.) Copy and paste the enclosed "fx_smoke_f6.fx" file into your FSX "Effects" folder. (It's probably there already, so look first). 4.) Copy and paste all of the [SMOKESYSTEM] info. below into your Gates Lear 23 "aircraft.cfg" file (then click 'file', then click 'save', of course). I pasted mine between the [Views] section and the [LIGHTS] section with good results. 5.) Find your Lear 23 under "Gates" in your airplane menu, press your "I" key while flying this sweetest of sweethearts and enjoy the smoke! [SMOKESYSTEM] smoke.0=-48.739, -3.521, .901, fx_smoke_f6 smoke.1=-48.739, 3.521, .901, fx_smoke_f6