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                           PROJECT AIRBUS AIRBUS A320


The Project Airbus A320 is being distributed via a single base package and
individual livery packages.

To install the base package, extract the archive file inside your root FS9
folder. The base package does not contain any liveries – you must install at
least one livery package before flying.

To install a livery, extract its archive file inside your   <FS9 root>\Aircraft\
folder. Then, browse to   <FS9 root>\Aircraft\Project Airbus A320-214   if
you're installing a CFM-engine livery, or   <FS9 root>\Aircraft\Project Airbus
A320-232   if you're installing an IAE-engine livery. Inside that folder, simply
double click the   _Livery Installer_PA.bat   file to complete the livery
installation. On completion, the installer will leave behind an aircraft.backup
file should you wish to reverse the changes.

Operating the doors

 Door(s)            Command                 Key binding
------------------ ----------------------- -----------------
 L1                 Select exit             Shift+E
 L2                 ---                     Shift+E+2
 R1, R2             Wing fold/unfold        default unbound
 Cargo              Tail hook up/down       default unbound


Demetris Themistocleous, Derek Mayer, Alexis Vletsas, Tom Collins, Nick Loh,
John Tavendale, Gary Galea, Andy Warden, Peter Binamira, Thomas Ruth, Alessandro
Savarese, Gianmarco Bettiol, Alexander Kvitta, Trevor Slack, Nicholas Wu, David
Bromwich, Matthey Murray, Manny Osias, Spike Acenas, Mark Bolatete, Kester
Masias, Sheldon Fernandes, Dickson Chan, Steve McBee, Ben Jones, Stian Svensen,
Terence Pereira, Fraser Turner

Copyright © 2014 Project Airbus <>

The Project Airbus Airbus A320 is freeware; that is to say it comes at no cost,
but you may not distribute this software package, with or without modification,
without our prior consent in writing.