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#                                                                      #
# RCBco-11.zip:  Carrier Operation Package for FS2004 Military Jets    #
#                                                                      #
#   By Rob Barendregt and Doug Dawson       Release 1.1   7 febr 2004  #
#                                             (First public release)   #
#                                                                      #


Open this file in Notepad, and select charactertype: FixedSys, Normal, 9 dots.

This archive contains a set of gauges, effects and sounds which you can add to
your existing military jets in FS2004, and enables you to perform takeoff's 
and approaches/landings on aircraft carriers.

Unfortunately adding gauges and effects to existing aircraft is a rather
cumbersome manual process, which is almost impossible to automate due to 
the variety of aircraft, versions, updates, existing personal additions, etc.
For this reason we also didn't included ready-made panel.cfg and aircraft.cfg
files. Besides, you might learn something from this manual process :-)

So installing this package REQUIRES some basic knowledge of handling files
and folders in Windows, and the ability to edit existing .cfg files with a 
simple text editor like Notepad.

And for safety: 

0. Contents
1.     Overview
2.     Installation.
2.1.   Installing the files.
2.2.   Adapting the panel.cfg file.
2.3.   Adapting the aircraft.cfg file.
3.     Detailed functionality and operation
3.1.   Carrier catapult launching: the catapult gauge.
3.2.   Carrier landings: the arrester gauge.
3.3.   Carrier approaches: the "meatball" HUD.
3.4.   Breaking the sound barrier: the SonicBoom effects.
4.     Copyrights and Disclaimer
5.     Credits
6.     FAQ's
7.     Closure

Appendix-1:  About gauge positioning in aircraft panels.
Appendix-2:  About tailhooks, and how to add/modify them.
Appendix-3:  About configuring launchspeed and catapult length.
Appendix-4:  Additional, aircraft-dependant gauges.
Appendix-5:  Modifications for Dino Cataneo's F14B Tomcat
Appendix-6:  Modifications for Rick Sasala's E-2c Hawkeye
Appendix-7:  Modifications for Rick Sasala's A-6E Intruder / AE-6B Prowler
Appendix-8:  Modifications for DSB's Tornado F3
Appendix-9:  Modifications for F/A-18C Hornet
Appendix-10: Modifications for Kirk Olson's F16 Viper / Eric Marciano's panel
Appendix-11: Modifications for Kazunori Ito's F-4E Phantom / Nick Karatzides'

- The aircraft mentioned above are FS2002 models, but work fine in FS2004.
- The suggested modifications in Appendix 5-11 are based on the original .cfg
  files included in the specified archives. If you have other versions, you
  might have to change something.
- Use the Windows' Copy&Paste facility (where appropriate) to avoid typing
  errors in copying text.

1. Overview
This package contains four features that you can add to your existing aircraft
in FS2004; although targetted for military jets in combination with aircraft 
carrier operation, they can be added to any aircraft and used in any scenery.
Either as a set, or individually.

These features are:
- A Catapult launch gauge, allowing you perform a catapult-aided takeoff from
  a carrier. Includes a launch sound.
- An Arrester gauge, allowing you to land on a carrier by means of a tailhook
  "catching" the carrier's arresting cables. Includes a catch sound and cable-
  rewind sound.
- A "meatball" HUD gauge, enabling you to perform proper carrier approaches.
  Note that this gauge will only work when the carrier has an ILS, with it's
  frequency dialed into NAV1 AND the Avionics are ON !!
- A SonicBoom gauge and effect (visible and audible), when your aircraft goes
  through the sound barrier at MACH-1.
See also file rcbco-gauges.jpg

Unlike the famous FS2002 ArresterCables program, the included catapult and
arrester gauge are purely aircraft-bound; i.e no need to define launch/catch
zone in your scenery. Allowing you to takeoff and land at any position in the
scenery. Hence your imaginary "catapult" and "arresting cables" are only
determined by the takeoff and touchdown position.  Maybe not as realistic, but
certainly a lot easier for the casual user :-).

The gauges require installation of Peter Dowson's FSUPIC interface module
(either a registered or unregistered version). This module is used to command
the acceleration / deceleration needed for takeoff / arresting, and for 
playing the SonicBoom sound.

A great freeware scenery for use with this package, is the FS2004 Waikato
aircraft carrier scenery, created by Savern Reweti.
File: Waikato1.zip, a.o downloadable at www.flightsim.com.

If you want to know more about the operation and procedures on carriers, have 
a look at the following website:

2. Installation.

2.1. Installing the files.

1. Extract all files to a temporary folder.

2. Then, move:

- File gaugesound.dll, to the main FS2004 folder ....\Flight Simulator 9\
- File FSUIPC.dll  to folder ....\Flight Simulator 9\Modules\
  Note: For conveniance, we have included an unregistered version (3.14) of
        FSUIPC. Of course you can use your own (registered or unregistered) 
        version, or download the latest version at:
- File fx_RCB_machenvlop.fx to folder ....\Flight Simulator 9\Effects\
- The files:
    - dsd_arrester.gau
    - dsd_catapult.gau
    - dsd_xml_sound.gau     
    to folder ....\Flight Simulator 9\Gauges\
- The files:
    - dsd_xml_96.wav
    - dsd_catapult_launch.wav
    - dsd_cable_catch.wav
    - dsd_cable_rewind.wav
    to folder ....\Flight Simulator 9\Sound\
- All other files to a folder ....\Flight Simulator 9\Gauges\rcb-miljet\
  If this subfolder \rcb-miljet\ doesnot exits yet, create it first.

- Should one of these files allready exist on your PC, you have to decide
  yourself if you overwrite it or not; **usually** the file with the latest 
  modification date is the best one to use.
- The included file dsd_xml_sound.gau is a newer version then the one in
  Doug's original archive dsd_xml_sound.zip. You must overwrite the old 
  version (oct. 2003) since this new one solves a potential problem with
  FSUIPC accreditation of the gauge.

2.2. Adapting the panel.cfg file.
In the definitions below, replace the strings:
- "**" by the next free number.
- "HOR" by the Horizontal position of a free spot in the panel.
- "VERT" by the Vertical position of a free spot in the panel.
See the Appendices for additional help and suitable values for some specific

- Under [Window Titles], add:

- Under [Window00], add:
gauge**=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball, HOR,VERT,12,12        // The HUD Icon gauge
gauge**=dsd_catapult!catapult,HOR,VERT,80,40,300155 // The catapult gauge
gauge**=dsd_arrester!arrester,HOR,VERT,50,40        // The arrester gauge
gauge**=rcb-miljet!SonicBoomControl, 0,0            // The SonicBoom gauge
gauge**=dsd_xml_sound!dsd_xml_sound,0,0             // The XMLsound gauge

- Add the new Meatball Window:
window_size= 0.3,0.4     // Size: 30% screen width, 40% screen height
window_pos= 0.35, 0.0    // Top-Left corner at: 35% horizontal, 0% vertical

- By varying the values of window_size and window_pos (values 0.0 - 1.0) you
  can place the HUD in any size at any position of the screen.
- The Arrester gauge need not really be visible on the panel, once you are
  sure that the tailhook works correctly, and you operate it with a key or
  button, and not with the Tailhook switch.
  If you prefer this, replace the line:
  You can even place this line in a VirtualCockpit or the Meatball window,
  which ensures that the gauge is loaded even if you haven't selected the
  Cockpit mode. See also FAQ Q/A-3
- The gauges be added individually to any panel, except:
  - The meatball Icon gauge is of no use without the HUD window.
  - If you add the SonicBoom gauge in a panel, you must also add the XMLsound
    gauge to hear the Boom sound.

2.3. Adapting the aircraft.cfg file.
In the definition below, replace the string:
- "**" by the next free number.
See the Appendices for suitable values for some specific aircraft.

- Under [LIGHTS], add:
light.**= 10, -10.0,  0.0,  0.0, fx_RCB_machenvlop,1    // SonicBoom effect

- The light.** numbers range from 00 - 18. If no free number exists, you have
  to delete another effect unfortunately.
- Check that the file has a [Tailhook] section. See also Appendix-2.
- Check that the file has a line ADF2=1 in the [Radios] section.
  If not, add it. See also FAQ Q/A-7.

3. Detailed functionality and operation

3.1. Carrier catapult launching: the catapult gauge
This gauge has two switches and a launchspeed dial:
- With the ARM switch, you arm the catapult for operation.
  Arming the catapult will also set your ParkingBrakes (if not set yet), to
  simulate the towbar of the nosegear being attached to the shuttle of the
- With the ACT switch, you activate the catapult. There's a 5-sec delay built
  in to allow you to get your hand back on the controller, and to let the
  engine finish spooling up. When activated, the ParkingBrakes are released.
  Alternatively, you can activate the catapult by releasing the ParkingBrakes
  yourself (via the assigned FS2004 key or controller button). It this case
  there's no delay.
- The speeddial indicates the launchspeed (=groundspeed in Knots). 
  You can modify the default by clicking the dial.

A good operating procedure is:
- Line up the aircraft at the catapult, just in front of the Jet Blast Screen
  (if your carrier scenery has one).
- Set 3/4 - Full flaps, and set the ParkingBrakes.
- Change the default launchspeed, if required.
- Arm the catapult by clicking the switch.
- Open the throttles fully, and release the ParkingBrakes (or click the switch)
While the launch sound is played, the aircraft quickly accelerates. At the end 
of the catapult, the launchspeed is reached and the gauge deactivates. 

Both the default launchspeed and catapult length can be changed; Appendix-3
explains you why/how.

3.2. Carrier landings: the arrester gauge
****** IMPORTANT ******
For this gauge to operate properly, your aircraft MUST have a "functional" 
tailhook, defined in the aircraft.cfg. Operation is based on the real FS2004
Tailhook function, contrary to using Slew, Superspoilers, or other mechanismes
to decelerate aircraft.
If the tailhook is non-existing (the switch won't move and the light stays 
DarkGreen), or if the tailhook is too short (the light is FlashingRed when
the aircraft is on the ground with the tailhook lowered): see Appendix-2.

This gauge has a switch and colored indicator light:
- With the switch, you can lower/raise the tailhook of your aircraft, thereby
  arming/disarming the gauge. 
  Alternatively you can do this by using the assigned FS2004 key or controller
  button (in menu Options-Controls-Assigments, Tailhook up/down).
- The light indicates the state and functioning of the tailhook.
  - DarkGreen:   Tailhook is retracted, the gauge is inactive.
  - Orange:      Aircraft is on the ground, with tailhook partially extended.
                 The tailhook is now resting on the deck.
  - Green:       Aircraft is in the air, with tailhook fully extended and
                 gear lowered. Ready for an "arrested" landing.
  - FlashingRed: Aircraft is in the air, with tailhook fully extended but the
                 gear not lowered yet. Do not attempt to land !!
                 Aircraft is on the ground, with tailhook fully extended.
                 This indicates that the tailhook is too short !!

Normal operation:
- Approach the aircraft carrier (the meatball HUD will greatly help here).
- For landing: lower the gear, set full flaps and lower the tailhook.
  The gauge is now Armed, and the light is Green.

When the tailhook touches the deck, the aircraft is quickly decelerated to a
full stop (the catch sound is played), after which it is pulled back a bit.
About 7 seconds later, the tailhook is automatically raised, and the cable 
rewind sound is audible. 
The gauge is now deactivated.

3.3. Carrier approaches: the "meatball" HUD
This gauge allows you to "fly the meatball" for approaches to carriers.
It combines functionality of an PFD, HSI and FLOLS, and is visible as a HUD
(HeadsUp Display) that can be placed anywhere on the screen.
For proper operation, it requires that the carrier has an ILS with Glideslope,
Localiser and preferably a DME, and that the ILS frequency is dialed into NAV1.
Also, make sure that your Avionics are ON.

ALthough it doesn't look like a FLOLS (Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System) at
all (a FLOLS is placed on the carrier itself, and not in the aircraft), it
provides the same primary function: indicate the aircraft position releative
to a defined descent path.

To open the HUD: click the new HUD-icon on your panel, or select "Meatball"
from menu Views - Instrument Panel.

The moving ball shows the aicraft's position relative to ILS localiser and
glide slope; like the scale values and red bars, it is only visible when the
ILS is captured. Since the FS2004 Localiser and Glideslope detection is too
sensitive at very short distances, the ball is also disabled when DME indicates
less than 0.2 nMile.

The moving ball has a state (Flashing or On), related to the Localiser, and
has a color (red, amber or green), related to the glide slope: 
- Steady On: you are on/near the Localiser.
- Flashing: you are too far from the Localiser.
- Green: you are on/near glide path.
- Amber: you are too high.
- Red: you are too low.

The red vertical bar shows the deviation between aircraft heading and ILS 
course. The scale from Left to Right, in degrees:  
     (ILScourse-20)  --  (ILScourse)  --  (ILScourse+20) 

The red horizontal bar shows the 3-second-average descent angle, with the
center position being the glide slope (GS) angle for that particular ILS.
The scale from Top to Bottom, in degrees:
     (GS-3)  --  (GS)  --  (GS+3)  

The red values in the window corners are:
- Left-Top: Heading, in degrees
- Left-bottom: DME range, in nmile (if DME is available)
- Right-Top: Altitude, in feet
- Right-Bottom: IAS, in knots

The indicators at the bottom of the window are (from left to right):
- G: Gear indication (Green: Gear down)
- T: Tailhook indication (Green: Tailhook down)
- "number": Percentage of Flaps extension (Green: more than 65% extended)
- ARREST (flashing): Ready for landing, the arrester is armed. 
  Visible when the aircraft is airborne, and has Gear down, Tailhook down and
  Flaps more than 65% extended.

At the top of the window, the ILS-Ident is displayed.

3.4. Breaking the sound barrier: the SonicBoom effect
Go into Spotplane view, let your aircraft accellerate to MACH-1, and observe
the "cloud" being formed and pushed forward by the aircraft; when the aircraft
reaches MACH-1, it punches through the cloud and the Boom sound is played.

4. Copyrights and Disclaimer
This package is freeware, and is available for your personal use.

Without our explicite permission, it may NOT be sold, re-distributed and/or 
uploaded to another website or bulletin board in ANY shape or form.

If you want to bundle (part of) this package with your (freeware) aircraft, 
you may ONLY do so AFTER our explicite permission and inclusion of this

And obviously, installing & using this package is at your own risk. 
However, if you execute the Installation instructions properly, this package
should NOT crash you PC or FS, nor should it have a substantial impact on 
Although most of the testing was done on Windows-XP platforms, we don't expect
any problems with other Windows versions (provided FS2004 itself runs OK). 

5. Credits
- Nick Needham, for his spectacular SonicBoom visual effect which he specially 
  made for this package. 
- Aaron R. Swindle. The included catapult and cablecatch sounds are re-mixed
  and adapted versions of original recordings made by Aaron.
- Bluesky Software Development, for their permission to include their sound
  library (gaugesound.dll) in our package, needed to play the sound files.
- Pete Dowson, for making and maintaining FSUIPC.
- The designers of all those wonderfull free military aircraft and aircraft
  carriers, without whom this package would have no meaning !!
  Especially to Dino Cattaneo (F14 Tomcat) and Savern Reweti (Waikato carrier),
  two of our favorite "testtools" ...
- Our beta-testers, who spent considerable time in trying to get this package
  and README as bug-free as possible :-)

6. FAQ's

Q1:  I get an "soundfile not found" error, or FS2004 crashes.
A1:  If, due to an installation or other error, an expected sound file is not
     found in the \sound\ folder, FS2004 will give a warning message and may
     even crash.

Q2:  Can I use another lightswitch or soundfile for the SonicBoom effect ?
A2.  For the SonicBoom effect, it's possible that you are already using sound96
     and/or lightswitch 10 ("Cabin Lights") for other purposes.
     If you cannot resolve this yourself, we can advise you how to resolve
     this conflict.

Q3:  A gauge/effect does not seem to work after I load the aircraft.
A3:  If you have added the gauge to a 2D-window (Window**) in the panel.cfg, 
     you must always switch to Cockpit view mode at least ONCE before the 
     gauge is activated.

Q4:  Can I use the Arrester gauge for aircraft that doesn't have a tailhook ?
     Or has a tailhook operated by the Spoiler (Airbrakes) or Flaps key ?
A4:  Yes, the gauge can be used for ANY aircraft, but it may require 
     adaptation of the aircraft.cfg file. See Appendix-2 and -4.

Q5:  If I add the Catapult/Arrester gauge, can I still perform normal take-off
     and landings with the aircraft ?
A5:  Yes.
     The Catapult gauge only becomes active when you arm it via the switch.
     The Arrester gauge only becomes active when you arm it via the switch,
     or lower the tailhook with the assigned FS2004 keystroke.

Q6:  I can see the SonicBoom visual effect, but I don't hear a sound. Why ?
A7:  Make sure that the ADF2=1 line is present in the aircraft.cfg, and no
     other application/gauge is using the ADF2 frequency. The ADF2 is used by
     gauge dsd_xml_sound.gau, to enable sound initiation from XML gauges.

Q7:  I cannot see the Catapult gauge, Arrester gauge, or Meatball Icon in my
     panel. Why not ?
A7:  The panel coordinates you used, probably placed the gauge at invisible 
     position on the panel, underneath another gauge, or in an invisible window
     See also Appendix-1.

Q8:  Can I add the meatball HUD to the VirtualCockpit of my aircraft ?
A8:  No, generally you cannot, since the VirtualCockpit is modelled in the
     aircraft .mdl file. 

Q9:  When I'm in the air, and want to raise a previously lowered tailhook, the
     aircraft is suddenly arrested, instead of the tailhook being raised. Why ?
A9:  You are probably flying below 30 feet (Radio Heigth); below this altitude
     you should not raise the tailhook.

Q10: Although I'm sure I have installed everything as instructed, I still have
     problems with playing the sounds by the gauges. What's wrong ?
A10: From experiance with other gauges, we know that some PCs are very critical
     with respect to playing sounds in FS2004. Although no problems are known
     with the soundplaying mechanisme used in this package, we cannot guarantee
     proper operation. If you DO have problems, like sounds not playing, being
     chopped off or whatever, we know of some changes that MIGHT resolve them:
     - A seperate soundcard instead of the on-board sound on the motherboard.
     - Using the Windows DXDIAG program, change the DirectX setting for
       "Hardware accelleration" to another value.
     - Convert the included .wav files (now: 22 kHz, 16bit, stereo) to a
       smaller size (hence reducing also the sound quality); e.g. to 11 kHz,
       8bit, mono. If this doesn't work as well, we cannot help you.
     - And, of course, make sure that you have the latest Windows drivers for
       your sound device. 

7. Closure

We hope you will enjoy using this package, as we did creating it.
And we are always open to questions, or suggestions for improvement (no
guarantee that we will make them though).

But PLEASE PLEASE, before asking us questions or report "bugs", make sure that
the answer can't be found in this README file; we have spent considerable time
in making this README as clear and supportive as we can, just to avoid wasting
both YOUR time and OURS with trivial questions and "issues" :-)
While we DO realise that reading large manuals like this is not the favorite
hobby of most flightsimmers, it contains a wealth of information especially
usefull if you are not very familiar with installing addon's.

This package was created by:
Doug: The arrester, catapult and XMLsound gauges.
Rob:  The other gauges, sounds, packaging and documentation.
Nick: The visual SonicBoom effect.

Contact information:

For questions/problems/suggestions about the Catapult & Arrester gauges:
Douglas S. Dawson, Canada
Email: douglassdawson@netscape.net

For all other questions/problems/suggestions:
Rob Barendregt, The Netherlands
Email: rc.barendregt@planet.nl


Appendix-1: About gauge positioning in aircraft panels.
The Main panel usually consists of a bitmap (a .bmp file) on which the gauges
are positioned through coordinates.
  gauge**=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball, HOR,VERT,12,12
where 'HOR' is the horizontal, and 'VERT' the vertical positon on the panel.
The bitmap is a file xxxxx.bmp in the same folder as panel.cfg, and is
referenced in the panel.cfg by something like:

[Window00]  (or another Window)

The coordinates HOR,VERT are relative to this panel bitmap, and specify the
top-left corner of the gauge. Coordinates 0,0 corresponds with the top-left
position of the panel.

Most main panel bitmaps cover the entire screen, but some only cover the lower
part of the screen. Moreover, the coordinates (and gauge size) also depend on
the bitmap resolution.
So, in a 1024*768 pixel bitmap, coordinates 1024,768 specify the bottom-right
corner of the panel.
With this info, look at the coordinates of existing gauges in the [Window00]
section of the panel.cfg file. E.g. another Icon, and check whether their
coordinates corresponds with the postition you would expect on the panel.

To get the correct coordinates for the Meatball window Icon:
- Observe the main panel in FS2004, and find a free spot.
- Look for a gauge nearby (e.g. another Icon), find this gauge in the panel.cfg
  file, and use nearby coordinates for the Ball_Icon.

- HOR,VERT specifies the top-left corner of the Icon.
- Increasing HOR will shift the Icon to the right.
- Increasing VERT will shift the Icon downwards.
- 12,12 (in my example) defines the size of the Icon in pixels, so using 24,24
  makes it twice as large. 
- Make sure the Icon does not overlap with an existing gauge.

The same applies to find proper coordinates for the Catapult and Arrester
gauge. The only difference is their size, which makes it a bit harder to find
a suitable, free spot on the panel that does NOT overlap another gauge.

Appendix-2: About tailhooks, and how to add/modify them.

First of all, you should understand that in FS2004 there is a distinction
between a "visible", animated tailhook (which is part of the aircraft's 
.mdl model), and a "functional" tailhook as defined in the aircraft.cfg.

In some older jets the "visible" tailhook is coupled to the Spoilers or 
Flaps function, instead of the real Tailhook function. And possibly even
coupled to a decelleration mechanisme based on high drag, known as 
"Superspoilers" or "SuperFlaps". 

However, the arrester gauge requires that the aircraft has a real "functional"
tailhook, which is defined in the aircraft.cfg like:

tailhook_length=3.0               // Length, in feet
tailhook_position=-20.0, 0.0, 0.0 // longitudinal, lateral, vertical position

If not, you must add this section at the end of the aircraft.cfg file.
Note again that this does NOT add, or influences, the "visible" tailhook !!

The values are of course aircraft dependant, but what matters is that the
tailhook should stick out below the wheels a few feet.  This result can be 
achieved by making the tailhook longer, or by moving it closer to the deck 
by decreasing the vertical position (negative values move the tailhook down, 
away from the centre of the aircraft.)
The Arrester gauge activates when the tailhook touches the deck.
However, if you are not comfortable (or too lazy :-) ) in fine-tuning these 
values, just use the values already present in your aircraft.cfg file or (if
not present) use the values specified above. Because:
- If the tailhook is too short: the aircraft is still trapped, but now only 
  when the wheels touch the deck.
- If the tailhook is too long: the aircraft is trapped a bit too early.

But if you do want to check the tailhook for correct length:
- Position your aircraft on the deck, or any other runway.
- Lower the tailhook (either by clicking the switch or pressing the keystroke
  assigned to the "Tailhook up/down" function)
- Check that the gauge light turns Orange.
- If it starts flashing Red after a few seconds, the tailhook is too short.
  In that case: increase the value by one feet or so, reload the aircraft and
  try again.
- Advanced users will want to compare the reach of the tailhook (as specified
  by the tailhook length and vertical position) with the vertical position of 
  the landing gear.

I emphasize again: adding/adjusting the Tailhook section in the aircraft.cfg
might not be reflected in the behaviour of the visible, animated tailhook (if
any) that you can observe in Spotview mode. 

If you have an aircraft in which the "visible" tailhook is coupled to Spoiler
or Flaps, you can off course still use that ON TOP OF lowering the functional
tailhook. Take care however, that this is not a "Superspoiler" since your 
aircraft will then fall out of the sky :-). See also Appendix-4.
Remedy in that case:
In the aircraft.cfg file, look for the line:
Spoiler_limit = "a high value". Change this into a low value (e.g. 60)

Appendix-3: About configuring launchspeed and catapult length.
Both the default launchspeed (155 Knots groundspeed) and catapult length (300
feet) can be changed in the panel.cfg gauge definition, by changing the value
300155 in the line gauge**=dsd_arrester........,300155.

Make sure this number remains 6 digits: 3 digits length plus 3 digits speed.
Example: 250070 indicates a catapult length of 250 feet, and a launchspeed of 
70 Knots. If no parameter is specified, the gauge will use the defaults of 155
knots and 300 feet.
Setting the launchspeed in fact emulates setting the steampressure of the 
catapult.  This is of course aircraft type/weight dependant. 
You can further refine the launchspeed in the panel itself, depending on actual
winddirection/speed and fuel load.

Note again that the acceleration factor of the catapult is determined by both
the launchspeed AND the catapult length, which makes the gauge very versitile.
Although not particularly intended as such, try out value 010999 for a real
rocket launch :-) 

Appendix-4: Additional, aircraft-dependant gauges.
This archive contains two additional (optional) control gauges:

1. Icon_Ball_F16KO.xml
Some aircraft already have a HUD, particularly Eric Marciano's F16.gau HUD.
This HUD is usually installed in the panel in 1 to 4 panel windows, where each
panel window contains another version of the gauge with a different light 
intensity. Sometimes the panel also contains another, clickable gauge that lets
you select which version to use. In fact this switches between panel windows 
with ident=20, 21, 22 and 23, by opening one window and closing the others.

Since the meatball HUB contains all the info you need when flying a carrier
approach, gauge Icon_Ball_F16KO.xml switches between the meatball HUD and this
normal HUD. What is actually does:
- Upon loading an aircraft, it opens the panel window with ident=21
- When you click the meatball icon, it closes all panel windows with ident=20 
  21, 22, and 23, and opens panel window with ident=10011 (the Meatball HUD)
- When you click the icon again, it closes the window with ident=10011 and
  opens the window with ident=21.
Advantage: you can use the meatball HUD and normal HUD alternatively at the
same panel position, with only one mouseclick on the Icon gauge.

If you want this: use gauge Icon_Ball_F16KO.xml instead of Icon_Ball.xml.
See Appendix-11 for an example definition.

2. SpoilersFollowTailhook.xml
As explained in Appendix-2, some (older) aircraft have a visible tailhook
in their model, but it's operation is NOT coupled to the FS "Tailhook Up/Down"
command but to the "Spoilers extend/retract" command (default key "/").
Which also operates the Spoilers a.k.a. Airbrakes.
Since the Arrester gauge is armed by the key you defined for FS function 
"Tailhook Up/Down" (or the gauge switch), this means that you ALSO have to give
the "Spoilers extend/retract" command to lower the visible tailhook of the
aircraft in order to see (in SpotPlane View) that the tailhook is lowered .

This SpoilersFollowTailhook.xml gauge does that for you !!.
If you install this gauge in your panel, it will:
- Extend the Spoilers/Airbrakes and lower the visible tailhook when you lower
  the Tailhook.
- Retract the Spoilers/Airbrakes and raise the visible tailhook when you (or
  the Arrester gauge after a successfull trap) raise the Tailhook.
An obvious side effect of the gauge is, that you no longer can use the "/" key
to extend the Spoilers/Airbrakes, since the gauge forces them to follow the 
Tailhook position all the time. So use the "Tailhook Up/Down" command instead.
See Appendix-11 for an example definition.

Appendix-5: Modifications for Dino Cataneo's F14B Tomcat
File f14bv103.zip, a.o. on flightsim.com and avsim.com

** Panel.cfg ***

- Under [Window Titles], add:

- Under [Window00], add:
gauge35=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball, 314,401,12,12         // The Icon that opens HUD.
gauge36=dsd_catapult!catapult,230,300,80,40,300160  // The catapult gauge
gauge37=dsd_arrester!arrester,530,300,50,40         // The arrester gauge
gauge38=rcb-miljet!SonicBoomControl, 0,0            // The SonicBoom controller
gauge39=dsd_xml_sound!dsd_xml_sound,0,0             // The XMLsound gauge

- Add the new Meatball Window:
window_size= 0.23,0.31   // Size: 23% screen width, 31% screen height
window_pos= 0.395,0.14   // Top-Left corner at: 39% horizontal, 14% vertical

*** Aircraft.cfg ***

- Under [LIGHTS], add:
light.11= 10, -10.0,  0.0,  0.0, fx_RCB_machenvlop,1    // SonicBoom effect

Appendix-6: Modifications for Rick Sasala's E-2c Hawkeye
File e-2c2k2.zip, a.o. on flightsim.com and avsim.com

Note: Not Supersonic, so no SonicBoom effect needed.

** Panel.cfg ***

- Under [Window Titles], add:

- Under [Window00], add:
gauge35=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball, 93,328,19,18          // The Icon that opens HUD.
gauge36=dsd_catapult!catapult,278,165,70,30,300100  // The catapult gauge
gauge37=dsd_arrester!arrester,234,187,40,30         // The arrester gauge

- Add the new Meatball Window:
window_size= 0.23,0.31   // Size: 23% screen width, 31% screen height
window_pos= 0.39,0.02    // Top-Left corner at: 39% horizontal, 2% vertical

*** Aircraft.cfg ***

- Under [Tailhook], change:
tailhook_length=5.5    //Original value: 4

Appendix-7: Modifications for Rick Sasala's A-6E Intruder / AE-6B Prowler
File a-6ebomb.zip, a.o. on avsim.com
File ea6b2k2v2.zip, a.o. on avsim.com

Note: Not Supersonic, so no SonicBoom effect needed.

** Panel.cfg ***

- Under [Window Titles], add:

- Under [Window00], add:
gauge40=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball,  312,227,12,13       // The Icon that opens HUD.
gauge41=dsd_catapult!catapult, 0,330,66,30,300150  // The catapult gauge
gauge42=dsd_arrester!arrester, 0,300,40,30         // The arrester gauge

- Add the new Meatball Window:
window_size= 0.30,0.40   // Size: 30% screen width, 40% screen height
window_pos= 0.34,0.00    // Top-Left corner at: 34% horizontal, 0% vertical

*** Aircraft.cfg ***

- Under [Tailhook], change:
tailhook_length=9.5    //Original value: 4

Appendix-8: Modifications for DSB's Tornado.
File dsb_tf3d.zip (V3.2), a.o on flightsim.com

** Panel.cfg ***

- Under [Window Titles], add:

- Under [Window00], add:
gauge40=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball, 583,290,12,12        // The HUD Icon gauge
gauge41=dsd_catapult!catapult, 0,60,70,30,300160   // The catapult gauge
gauge42=dsd_arrester!arrester, 0,90,40,30          // The arrester gauge
gauge43=rcb-miljet!SonicBoomControl, 0,0           // The SonicBoom gauge
gauge44=dsd_xml_sound!dsd_xml_sound,0,0            // The XMLsound gauge

- Add the new Meatball Window:
window_size= 0.23,0.31   // Size: 23% screen width, 31% screen height
window_pos= 0.39,0.00    // Top-Left corner at: 39% horizontal, 0% vertical

*** Aircraft.cfg ***

- Under [LIGHTS], replace:
light.17=5,  2,  5.3, -3, dsb_landinglight
light.17= 10, -10.0,  0.0,  0.0, fx_RCB_machenvlop,1    // SonicBoom effect

- Under [Tailhook], change:
tailhook_length=8.0    //Original value: 6.6

Appendix-9: Modifications for F/A-18C Hornet (various artists)
File fs9fa18c.zip, a.o. at simviation.com

- Although this aircraft has a visible tailhook, in FS2004 it seems not
  possible to lower it. This may be a limitation of the model.
- The Icon_Ball_F16KO gauge is used. See Appendix-4.

** Panel.cfg ***

- Under [Window Titles], add:

- Under [Window00], add:
gauge44=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball_F16KO, 695,421,16,16   // HUDs switching
gauge45=dsd_catapult!catapult,649,446,70,30,300160  // The catapult gauge
gauge46=dsd_arrester!arrester,649,414,40,30         // The arrester gauge
gauge47=rcb-miljet!SonicBoomControl, 0,0            // The SonicBoom gauge
gauge48=dsd_xml_sound!dsd_xml_sound,0,0             // The XMLsound gauge

- Under [Window01], after the line "visible=1",  add:

- Add the new Meatball Window:
window_size= 0.20,0.28  // Size: 20% screen width, 28% screen height
window_pos= 0.41,0.22   // Top-Left corner at: 41% horizontal, 22% vertical

*** Aircraft.cfg ***

- Under [LIGHTS], add
light.15= 10, -10.0,  0.0,  0.0, fx_RCB_machenvlop,1    // SonicBoom effect

- Under [airplane_geometry], change
spoiler_limit= 10.0  // Original value: 60.000 ("superspoiler")

Appendix-10: Modifications for Kirk Olson's F16 Viper / Eric Marciano's panel.
File usviper.zip (aircraft), a.o. at flightsim.com and avsim.com
File fullf16pnl.zip (panel)

- Although the F16 is not a carrier-based aircraft, Kirk's model is so good 
  that I specified it here anyway :-).
  Obviously it has NO visible tailhook, although the tailhook section IS 
  specified in the original aircraft.cfg file.
- The Icon_Ball_F16KO gauge is used. See Appendix-4.

** Panel.cfg ***

- Under [Window Titles], add:

- Under [Window00], add:
gauge43=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball_F16KO, 626,508,15,15   // HUDs switching gauge
gauge44=dsd_catapult!catapult,305,471,80,40,300150  // The catapult gauge
gauge45=dsd_arrester!arrester,335,421,50,40         // The arrester gauge
gauge46=rcb-miljet!SonicBoomControl, 0,0            // The SonicBoom controller
gauge47=dsd_xml_sound!dsd_xml_sound,0,0             // The XMLsound gauge

- Add the new Meatball Window:
window_size= 0.23,0.31   // Size: 23% screen width, 31% screen height
window_pos= 0.39,0.14    // Top-Left corner at: 39% horizontal, 14% vertical

*** Aircraft.cfg ***

- Under [LIGHTS], replace line
light.14=5, 25.0, 1.9,  -5.9, fx_kLVIPER ,
light.17= 10, -10.0,  0.0,  0.0, fx_RCB_machenvlop,1    // SonicBoom effect

Appendix-11: Mod's for Kazunori Ito's F-4E Phantom / Nick Karatzides panel
File f4e_haf1.zip, a.o. at flightsim.com

- The Icon_Ball_F16KO gauge is used. See Appendix-4.
- The SpoilersFollowTailhook gauge is used. See Appendix-4.

** Panel.cfg ***

- Under [Window Titles], add:

- Under [Window00], add:
gauge99=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball_F16KO,945,470,20,20    // HUDs switching gauge
gauge100=dsd_catapult!catapult,940,505,80,40,300160 // The catapult gauge
gauge101=dsd_arrester!arrester,970,460,50,40        // The arrester gauge
gauge102=rcb-miljet!SonicBoomControl, 0,0           // The SonicBoom gauge
gauge103=dsd_xml_sound!dsd_xml_sound,0,0            // The XMLsound gauge
gauge104=rcb-miljet!SpoilersFollowTailhook,0,0      // See Notes

- Add the new Meatball Window:
window_size= 0.23,0.30   // Size: 23% screen width, 30% screen height
window_pos= 0.395,0.06   // Top-Left corner at: 39% horizontal, 6% vertical

*** Aircraft.cfg ***

- Under [LIGHTS], replace line
light.9=2,  -15.39,  19.29,  02.20,  fx_strobe ,
light.9= 10, -10.0,  0.0,  0.0, fx_RCB_machenvlop,1    // SonicBoom effect

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