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#                                                                       #
# GroundProximityWarningSystem (GPWS) User Manual  V4.0    FSX ONLY !   #
#                                                                       #
#        By Rob Barendregt                   26 July 2009  #
#                                                                       #

This freeware GroundProximityWarningSystem (GPWS) for FSX can be added to any
aircraft that has RETRACTABLE gear and flaps. 

I originally developped this GPWS for FS2002/2004.
But allthough FSX now has it's own built-in GPWS functions, many users requested
me to make an FSX-compatible version as well. So here it is :-)

Why use this gauge instead of the built-in FSX GPWS ?
- It offers more functionality (more warnings, Altitude callouts, real-time
  callout suppression, etc).
- It's better (NOT: easier) configurable for a specific aircraft.
- Callouts are audible in ALL view modes.
- Solves some limitations of the built-in GPWS.
  Like the annoying "Don't Sink" warning during final approach when you loose
  altitude with throttle position a little too high. (it assumes you are doing
  a takeoff then).

This GPWS package consists of three main gauges:
- GPWS_Default.xml, the main gauge.
  It offers the following main features:
  - Clickable switch, with Test/Inhibit function and warning light.
  - 8 different warning modes, with all the usual aural warnings, like "Pullup",
    "Sinkrate", "TerrainTerrain", "Windshear" and normal Altitude callouts.
  - All modes can be deactivated individually, or even be permanently disabled.
  - Fully customiseable per aircraft type, by just editing the gauge with Notepad.
- GPWS_MasterWarn.xml (optional), which does three things:
  - Displays the overall state of the warning modes.
  - Panel window switching.
  - Central aural warning (de-)activation for the main gauge.
  It appears as a small, clickable light that is Off, RED or Flashing.
- XMLSound.dll, which "plays" the aural warnings initiated by the other two gauges.

All valid mouseclicks (i.e. causing a state change) on any of the clickspots
are confirmed by a Click sound.

I don't pretend that this gauge is perfect and 100% realistic as well: it
remains a simplification of a real-life, intelligent GPWS system which
probably is programmed with 10000+ lines of software code.
But you judge for yourself :-)

PLEASE, read this manual (including APPENDICES)  carefully, before asking questions
or making comments.

1. Extract all files to the root FSX folder, using the "Use folder names" option.
This will place all files in folder ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges\GPWS4\.

2. Edit the aircraft.cfg file of your aircraft, to disable the built-in GPWS.
This file is usually found in folder:
...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Simobjects\Airplanes\'YourAircraft'\

Find the section [GPWS].
When present, delete the whole section.
Usually something like:
max_warning_height         =  1000
sink_rate_fpm              = -1500
excessive_sink_rate_fpm    = -2000
climbout_sink_rate_fpm     = -100
flap_and_gear_sink_rate_fpm= -100

And Add:
max_warning_height         =  -1000

3. Edit the panel.cfg file of your aircraft, to include the GPWS gauges.
This file is usually found in folder:
...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Simobjects\Airplanes\'YourAircraft'\panel\

Assuming your aircraft has a Virtual Cockpit, the simplest way to add it is:

Find the section [VCockpit01], and at the end of the gauge== definitions, add:

gauge**=GPWS4/XMLSound!dsd_xml_sound3, 0,0,0,0, ./Gauges/GPWS4/XMLSound_Default.ini

-->> Replace '**' by the two next free (that is: unique in that section) numbers.

That's it.

This will add the GPWS as a non-visible gauge, but with all the defined callouts.
However, you will miss all the extra's, like the ability to switch on/off individual
warnings, read/set DecisionHeight, central warning light, etc. etc.
So you might want to spend some more time, and read the Appendix-1 (at the end of this document).

!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
- Use a simple texteditor (like Notepad) to edit a panel.cfg or aircraft.cfg.
- Always make a backup before editting a file.
- Use Copy/Paste to avoid typing errors.
- Make sure you replace strings like "**" and "HOR" by proper values
- When loading the aircraft for the first time, you might be asked to "trust" Doug Dawson's
  module; which you must :-) . If you "trust" them, and also say "Yes" when asked to all
  modules from Doug, you will never asked again.

The main GPWS gauge: Detailed Functionality
The GPWS_Default.xml gauge has three main states:
- Off.
  When Off (light Red), all other lights/switches are make disabled and made
  invisible. By clicking this Master switch, the gauge state becomes Test.
- Test.
  - The gauge is tested (Test state, light Green), and a testsound is played 
  - When finished, the state is set to On (light Off)
  - The Mode switches/lights are made visible, according to their state defined
    in the parameter list in the .xml file (Default: all On).
- On.
  - The GPWS Modes (see below) become active.
  - When the Master switch is clicked again, the gauge is set Off again.
  - Red: when Off.

(NOTE: all thresholds and Mode states are easily customiseable in the gauge)

1. Excessive descent rate.
This mode is activated when the aircraft descends too fast.
- When aircraft above GPWS_UpperRALT (default: 900 ft):
  - When VerticalSpeed < -4000 ft/min:  "WhoopWhoopPullup"
  - When VerticalSpeed between -2500 and -4000 ft/min: "Sinkrate"
- When aircraft below GPWS_UpperRALT:
  - When VerticalSpeed < -2000 ft/min:  "WhoopWhoopPullup"
  - When VerticalSpeed between -1500 and -2000 ft/min: "Sinkrate"

2. Excessive terrain closure rate.
This mode is activated when the distance between aircraft and ground surface 
decreases too fast. Because the aircraft is descending and/or the ground surface
is rising (e.g. hills/mountains)
- Only entered when gear is up and flaps not in landing position.
- RadioAltitude decreasing with more than 500 Ft/min: "TerrainTerrain"
- RadioAltitude < 250 ft AND decreasing with more than 500 Ft/min:  "WhoopWhoopPullup"

3. Loss of altitude after takeoff
This mode is activated when, during climbout, the distance between aircraft and
ground surface is decreasing.
- RadioAltitude decreasing AND V/S > 0 ft/min: "TerrainTerrain"
- VerticalSpeed < 0 ft/min: "DontSink"

4. Insufficient terrain clearance.
This mode is activated when the distance between aircraft and ground surface
is too small while the aircraft is not in landing configuration.
Unlike mode-2, this mode is independant on the rate of closure.
- Gear is up AND flaps not in landing position: "TooLowTerrain"
- Gear is down AND flaps not in landing position: "TooLowFlaps"
- Gear is up AND flaps in landing position: "TooLowGear"

5. Excessive glideslope deviation.
This mode is activated when the aircraft, at approach,  flies too low in relation
to the Glideslope. 
- Only when gear is down, and flaps in landing position.
- Glideslope (in NAV1) is valid AND more then 1.5 dots below GS: "Glideslope"

6. Excessive banking.
This mode is activated when the aircraft banks too much.
- When the aircraft banks more then 35 degrees: "Bankangle"

7. Windshear.
This mode is activated when windshear is detected at low altitude.
- The longitudinal windspeed suddenly changes more then 15 knots:

8. Altitude callouts (RadarAltitude decreasing AND passing specified threshold).
   Only Active when flaps are NOT fully retracted.
  - At 10,20,30,40,50,100,200,300,400,500,1000,2500 feet.
  - At DecisionHeight (default in FSX 200 ft, but realtime adjustable in the
    gauge): "Minimums" callout.
  - At current DecisionHeight+100 ft (configurable): "ApproachingMinimums" callout.

- Modes 2,3,4,5,7 are only enabled when RadarAltitude is less then parameter
  "GPWS_UpperRALT" (default:900 ft).
- "RadarAltitude" as used in this gauge, is defined as the distance beween the
  earth surface and the gear in lowered position (configurable). 
- Modes 1,2,3,4,5,6 remain active while the condition remains.
  While active, the warning sounds of these modes are repeated every 4 sec.
  Also, only one of these modes will give an aural warning at the same time,
  with a priority from mode-1 (highest) to mode-6 (lowest).
  Note that the mode-7 and mode-8 aural warnings are independant of these !!
- When On, the gauge can be in TOGA mode or not:
  - TOGA mode is set (light Amber) when:
    - The aircrafts lifts off the ground at Takeoff or Touch&Go.
    - The gear is being raised when the aircraft is below "GPWS_UpperRALT"
      RadioAltitude (i.e. the GPWS assumes a GoAround).
    When set, modes 1,2,4,5 are disabled.
  - TOGA mode is reset when the aircraft is above "GPWS_UpperRALT"
    When reset, mode 2 is disabled.
  Besides this, the TOGA mode can be toggled manually by clicking the switch/light.
- DecisionHeight callouts ("ApproachingMinimums" and "Minimums")
  These can be disabled in the gauge.
  Also (when Enabled), DecisionHeight callouts have precedance over normal Altitude
  callouts. E.g. when DH is 200 ft, the "200" callout is suppressed.
  The value of DH, can be changed by clicking the "GPWS" text (left/right side) in
  my gauge, and can be in/decreased in steps of 10 feet. The Tooltip gives the
  current value in feet.
- If your panel allready includes a gauge that partly overlaps with the 
  functionality of this gauge (like: altitude callouts): each one of the modes
  can be deactivated (= made permanentally invisible) individually by editing
  the startup state of that mode in the .xml file.

Each of the GPWS modes has its own state and switch/light. See tooltips on the row
of eight switches/lights. 
These Mode states are:
0: Disabled. (= mode permanently invisible and inoperative)
1: Off (light Red).
   When clicked, the Mode state becomes On (state 4)
2: On/NoSound (light Off, with Red borders)
   The Mode is operational, but without aural warnings.
   This state is has become obsolete in V3.3.
3: On/NoSound/Active (light Amber, with Red borders).
   The Mode conditions are true, and the amber warning light is On.
   When clicked, the sound is set On again (state 5).
   When the Mode conditions become False, the state becomes state 4.
   I.o.w.: the Sound is automatically enabled again.
4: On/NotActive (light Off).
   The Mode is operational, with aural warnings.
   When clicked, the Mode state is set Off (state 1)
   When the Mode conditions become True, the state changes to state 5.
5: On/Active (light Amber).
   The Mode conditions are true, the warning light is set and the aural warning is given.
   When clicked, the sound is set off (state 3).
   When the Mode conditions become False, the state changes to state 4.

The GPWS_MasterWarn gauge: Detailed Functionality
This gauge allows you to have a small gauge (MasterWarn) on the main panel (which
usually has little space left), while the main GPWS gauge is in another (or it's own)
panel window that need not always be visible.

The gauge has a lamp bitmap, which is colored:
- OFF: no warning modes (1-6) are Active.
- RED: one or more warning modes (1-6) is Active with aural warnings.
- Flashing RED: one or more warning modes (1-6) is Active, but all aural warnings
  for these Active modes are disabled.
- LeftClicking the lamp when RED, disables the aural warnings of the highest priority
  mode (=lowest number) currently Active. This means that the switch may stay RED,
  because another mode might be Active as well (and now give its aural warnings).
  If so, you have to click it again untill it's All Active modes have disabled sound.
  I.o.w.: by LeftClicking a RED lamp, you acknowledge the mode that currently gives
  an aural warning
- LeftClicking the lamp when Flashing RED, enables all aural warnings again.
- RightClicking the lamp toggles an overlay panel window with Ident=10060. 
  This allows placing the main GPWS gauge in a seperate panel window, with window
  open/close control using the MasterWarn gauge (like an Icon).
  This is the default setup. (see Installation).

Upon loading, the MasterWarn gauge quickly opens/closes the overlay window, to ensure
that the main GPWS gauge is always loaded and functional.

Main differences with the latest FS9 version (V3.2)
- Added: "Approaching Minimums" and "Minimums" callouts.
- Altitude callouts are suppressed when flaps are fully retracted.
- Now sets/uses the FSX variable DecisionHeight instead of a local variable.

Copyrights and Disclaimer
This package is freeware (NOT: public domain), and is available for your
personal use only.

Without my explicite permission, it may NOT be sold, re-distributed and/or 
uploaded to another website or bulletin board in ANY shape or form.
If you want to bundle this package with your (freeware) aircraft, you may ONLY
do so AFTER my explicite permission and inclusion of the documentation file.

And obviously, installing & using this package is at your own risk. 
However, if you execute the Installation instructions properly, this package
should NOT crash you PC or FS, nor should it have a substantial impact on 
Although most of the testing was done on Windows-XP platforms, I don't expect
any problems with other Windows versions (provided FS2004 itself runs OK).

- Doug Dawson, for his great gauge that allows playing sounds from an XML gauge.
- Most of the callouts/warnings are modified versions of existing soundfiles, 
  but I was unable to establish their exact origin. I think some originated from
  the FPDA group, and some from Tom Corson. If you recognise them as yours, 
  please inform me so I can give you proper credit.

As with all of my gauges, I'm always open for questions, or suggestions for
improvement. But PLEASE !!, READ this manual properly before mailing me.

Enjoy, and fly safe .....

Rob Barendregt, The Netherlands

APPENDIX-1: HowTo install the GPWS as visible gauge(s) with all functions.

As you probably know, the VirtualCockpit is part of the aircraft model, in 
which you cannot add new visible gauges (unlike in the old 2D-Cockpit).
Other than replace an existing visible gauge with another one.

So here's a way of adding the GPWS in a more luxury (and complex) way.
NOTE: this REPLACES step-3. of the "simple" installation at the top of this README.

1. Add the GPWS in a seperate (overlay) window.
You can then open the gauge window via the Views menu in FSX, and manage all
individual callouts.

- In the [Window Titles] section, add the line:


where '**' should be replaced by the next free number.

- After the last [Window**] section, add:


where '**' should be replaced by the same number as in the [Window Titles].

2. Add the MasterWarn gauge (invisible).
You cannot click the MasterWarn gauge, but this ensures that the main GPWS
gauge is loaded (= becomes active) at aircraft load.

- At the end of the [VCockpit01] section, add:

gauge**=GPWS4/XMLSound!dsd_xml_sound3, 0,0,0,0, ./Gauges/GPWS4/XMLSound_Default.ini

where '**' should be replaced by the two next free (that is: unique in that section) numbers.

3. Optional: add the MasterWarn gauge also as visible gauge to the main 2D panelwindow.

- Under [Window00] (which usually is the main panel window), add:


In this definition, replace the strings:
- "**" by the next free number.
- "HOR" by the Horizontal position of a free spot in the panel.
- "VERT" by the Vertical position of a free spot in the panel.
- HOR-SIZE:  the horizontal size in pixels of the gauge (default: 19)
- VERT-SIZE: the vertical size in pixels of the gauge (default: 19)

- Use a free spot near the existing Icons in the panel.
- Replace an existing Icon gauge definition with the MasterWarn gauge.
  (i.e. delete the Icon gauge, and use it's coordinates/size for the MasterWarn).
  Of course the latter can also be done in the VC (if you have window Icons there)

APPENDIX-2: HowTo use different GPWS setups for different aircraft
Allthough the default settings will work for almost any aircraft, you can 
fine-tune the GPWS (in used callouts, used sounds, aircraft configurations)
by editting the parameters in the .xml gauge and .ini files using a simple
texteditor like Notepad.

The best way to do that:
- In folder ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges\GPWS4\, make a COPY of files
  GPWS_Default.xml and XMLSound_Default.ini and RENAME these copies to resp.
  GPWS_'YourName'.xml and XMLSound_'YourName'.ini
- Edit these copies with the proper parameters (see sections below).
- In the panel.cfg of the aircraft, use these new filenames in the gauge definitions
  instead of the *_Default filenames. (See Installation).

Even one misspelled name may cause it not to work.
Also, unless you know what you are doing, don't change the GPWS4 folder name.

APPENDIX_3: HowTo customise the GPWS_Default.xml gauge
A lot of the gauge parameters can be adapted easily to your own preference or
specific aircraft, by editing the gauge with a simple text editor like Windows
Notepad. This specifically applies to parameters like:
- The base RadioAltitude of the aircraft when on the ground.
  This is determined by the aircrafts gearheight and datum position.
  Examples: 18 ft for a Boeing747, 3 ft for a Cessna.
  This parameter is only relevant for the accuracy of low-altitude callouts.
- The "landing position" flaps-setting of the aircraft.
  Obviously this can be different for every aircraft type, and depends on the
  number of flaps positions and flaps "degrees" per position. 
  Note: this limit is static, and doesnot take airspeed/weight into account.
  In this gauge, "landing position" is defined as any position where the 
  "flap handle" percentage is equal or more than the set threshold.
  You can determine this percentage (default: 30%) as follows:
  - Determine the number of flap positions of your aircraft.
    For each flap position, the "flaps handle position" is a lineair percentage.
    Example for a B747-400:
    - Has 7 flap positions: 0 1 5 10 20 25 30 degrees
    - Which corresponds with "flaps handle": 0 17 33 50 67 83 100 %
    - So for threshold at 30%, "flaps landing position" is "flaps-5" or more.
      So for a B747-400, 65% (Flaps-20 or more) probably would be a better value.
  However, since the gauge automatically determines the flightmode it's in
  (takeoff, cruise, approach/landing) based on gear/flaps positions I recommend
  to use a low threshold value (like 30%), to avoid callouts like "Too low ....."
  when you are on (final) approach with flaps still below the threshold.
  (so the gauge still assume "cruise" mode)
- The descent rate threshold before a "Sinkrate" warning is giving. Obviously
  this value is different for a jetfighter and a small GA aircraft :-).
- Repetition/interval time of aural warnings.
- Startup state of the gauge (On or Off) when the gauge is loaded.
- The Modes that are supported by the gauge, and their startup state. 

In case you are in doubt what the parameters are: compare the default values
in the .xml file with those mentioned in section "Functionality" above.
Of course there are some logical restrictions on used values. Examples:
- GWPS_UpperAlt should always be higher then GWPS_LowerAlt.
- GWPS_LowerVS should always be more negative then GWPS_UpperVS.

!! NOTE for XML-gauge designers !!
The L:Var gauge parameters are initialised only at startup of the gauge; so you 
can adjust the default values realtime, by, from another XML-gauge,  forcing the
L:GPWS_* vars to another value. 
Or, change parameters in-flight, based on specific flight conditions.

APPENDIX-4: HowTo adjust the volume of the callouts
The GPWS callouts are NOT affected by the FSX soundlevel settings, so they might
be too loud (given your other soundlevels)
This archive contains the latest (V3.8.2.0) version of Doug Dawson's XMLsound
gauge, which allows all sounds to be reduced in volume individually to obtain
the best balance between them and your other FS / environment audio.
To do so:
- Exit FSX.
- Open file ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Gauges\GPWS4\XMLSound_Default.ini.
- Find the appropriate .wav definition, and change the volume value to another
  value, with:
  - 100 (default): Max volume.
  - 75: Min volume (almost inaudible).
    or any other value between 75 and 100.
  - Save the file.

You can also use this to effectively suppress a certain callout (set volume to 0)
if that callout interferes with another gauge you might use, while still having
the related Mode in the GPWS visible and enabled.
Also, should you prefer to use another soundfile for a callout, just place the
file in the \GPWS4\ subfolder and change the filename in the XMLSound_*.ini file.

***************************** End Of Readme ********************************