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#                                                                      #
# FSX VTOL Control gauge for Sigma/Iris GR.7 Harrier                   #
#                                                                      #
#                     By Rob Barendregt                 17 mar. 2007   #
#                                                                      #

This package contains a VTOL control gauge for Sigma/Iris GR.7 Harrier V2.50.
Prior installation and correct operation of this (FS9) payware package in FSX
is required ! (see Installation).
What the VTOL gauge essentially does: when VTOL-control is activated, it overrides
the normal FS aircraft flightdynamic calculations, so complete control of the
aircraft is done by intelligent gauge code (with input from the pilot using
the normal flightcontrols like rudder, ailerons, throttle and elevator axis).
The effects control gauge adds a lot of controlled, visible effects to the aircraft.

Functionality (for details, see below):
- Smooth and stable VTOL/Hover capabilities, with pilot-controlled ascent/descent
  rate, longitudinal and lateral speed, heading, pitch and bank.
- Works under ALL wind conditions; even with a tailwind, it can fly backwards !
- Does NOT influence the aircraft's normal flight characteristics: the gauge
  is only active when the nozzles are rotated more then 80 degrees.

*************************** IMPORTANT **************************
1 This solution also requires prior installation of Peter Dowson's FSUIPC:
  FSUIPC.dll (V4.0.7.0 or later, registered or unregistered).
  You can download and install the lastest version of FSUIPC at:
2 When loading the aircraft for the first time, you might be asked to "trust" Peter
  Dowson's FSUIPC and Doug Dawson's modules; if you "trust" them, and also say "Yes" 
  when asked to all modules from Peter and Doug, you will never asked again.
3 In menu "Aircraft-Realism Settings", uncheck the box "Autorudder" for heading change
  during VTOL operation (via seperate rudder pedals, or keyboard rudder commands)
4 If VTOL doesn't appear to work properly:
There may be several causes.
The new SimConnect interface in FSX sometimes doesn't work properly (known bugs)
Moreover, there are some known problems with SImConnect/FSUIPC w.r.t virusscanners and
firewalls; SimConnect communicates via TCP/IP with FSX !
If you experiance these problems, check the FSUIPC website/forum for solutions; there
are several threads about this subject.
To check if SimConnect/FSUIPC is working properly: check if your Menu bar in FSX
contains an item "Addons", with "FSUIPC" in it.
If this is OK, check the following:
- The green needle the Flaps/Nozzles gauge should be between 80 and 100.
  Both Nozzles and Flaps are commanded by FSX Flaps commands.
- The aircraft weight should NOT exceed 21000 lbs for VTOL operation.
  Reduce fuel/payload if needed.

Main differences with the FS9 version:
- Visually, much smoother. In ALL View modes !
  The best way to observe VTOL is in OutsideView-LockedSpot mode.
- Works now with CrashDetection ON.
Both these improvements are now also available for FS9, in file
- Stick control of the "puffer" system works a bit different. See below.
- The VTOL display gauge now has an Overweight indicator and a GroundControl On/Off
  indicator (needed for VTOL on moving surfaces).
- Besides VTOL, a fuel dump/reload gauge is included. See file FuelLoadDump.txt for details.
  When loading fuel and airborne, the visual fuel pod is automatically extended; and
  retracted when fuel load is stopped.
- I added a ViewDirection gauge (just above the VTOL gauge) which lets you change the
  up/down view direction in the 2D-Cockpit.

Step-1: Installing the Harrier in FSX.

*** This procedure assumes that you have a default Install of the Sigma Simulations    ***
*** Harrier V2.50 in FS9. Except a few minor details, this aircraft works fine in FSX. ***
*** And of course, doing this is at your own risk !!                                   ***

- Copy the entire folder (+ subfolders) \Sigma Simulations Harrier\ from
  ...\Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft\
  ...\Microsoft Flightsimulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\
- Copy all files fx_dsb_*.fx from
  ...\Flight Simulator 9\Effects\
  ...\Microsoft Flightsimulator X\Effects\
- Copy file from
  ...\Flight Simulator 9\Gauges\
  ...\Microsoft Flightsimulator X\Gauges\
- If you were using my VTOL addin on FS9: Delete the folder
  ...\Microsoft Flightsimulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Sigma Simulations Harrier\Panel\rcb-gauges\

Step-2: Extract the contents of this zipfile to your root FSX folder, using the
        option "use folder name". This will place all files in their correct location
        (see their pathnames in the zip file, relative to the FSX root folder).
        Overwrite the original aircraft.cfg and panel.cfg files with the ones included.
        See my comment in these files for explanation.
        It will also create a new \rcb-gauges\ folder in the \panel\ folder, with the contents
        for FSX. 
        DO NOT use different pathnames, or the fuel dump/load gauge may not work !

1. The gauges Harrier.airsp.gau and Harrier.clock.gau are incompatible with FSX.
I have replaced them with two simular gauges from the IRIS' Phantom; included in this package
as file (with permission of IRIS). is NOT freeware !!.

2. To help you select a Harrier model from the Aircraft menu, you can place a small .jpg
picture (256*128 pixels) in the main \Sigma Simulations Harrier\ folder for each 
[flightsim.**] variation definition in the aircraft.cfg.
This picture should be called: "the exact contents of title= ".jpg.
I included one example:
Sigma Simulations Harrier GR7 - 4-Normal-Standard.jpg (for [flightsim.00]
Any takers for the other 52 ? ...:-)
Note: a filename in Windows cannot contain characters like '/'. Hence I changed all
the Titles in the aircraft.cfg (replaced the '\' by '-').

Detailed functionalty of the "VSTOLControlIPC.xml" gauge
This gauge consists of two parts:
- A functional part (_Func)
  This gauge should only be defined ONCE.
- A display/click part (_Display)
  This gauge can be defined multiple times, e.g. in 2D Cockpit and in VC.

The _Display gauge has a clickable bitmap with tooltips.
It displays:
- The FS2004 "flaps" position:
  - White Needle: the Flaps position (flaps-position 0-3, 0-40 degrees)
  - Green Needle: the Nozzles position (flaps-position 4-9, 0-98 degrees)
- Other info:
  - Short Red Needle: the winddirection, relative to the aircraft.
  - Top-Left number: Radio Altitude, in feet.
  - Top-Center number: Windspeed, in knots.
  - Top-Right number: Pitch, in degrees.

Beside using the normal keys/buttons to in/decrease "flaps", you can also
click the gauge. See ToolTips.
- TopLeft:     Display/Hide RadioAltitude info.
- TopRight:    Display/Hide Pitch info.
- TopCenter:   Display/Hide Wind info.
- BottomLeft:  Increment flaps/nozzles.
- BottomRight: Decrement flaps/nozzles.
- An Overweight indicator; when the red light is On, the aircraft exceeds max.
  weight for VTOL operation; dump fuel first.
- A GroundControl Indicator; when the amber light is On, GroundControl is On (default)
  See "Limitations"

- When engines are OFF, flaps/nozzles are forced OFF.

The _Function gauge:
The VTOL function becomes active when the nozzles are rotated to a position greater
than 80 degrees. When active:
- RUDDER axis changes Heading.
  Note that you can use either rudder pedals / sticktwist rudder, or keys/buttons
  assigned to the FSX rudder functions.
- AILERON axis changes Roll speed (+/- 20 deg), and therefore lateral-speed.
- ELEVATOR axis changes Pitch speed (+/- 30 deg)
- FLAPS controls nozzles (50, 82, 86, 90, 94 and 98 deg.)
  50 deg. is used for STOL, 82-98 for VTOL/Hover.
- THROTTLE axis changes thrust, and therefore longitudinal speed and altitude; 
  both proportionally to Weight, N1, and the "thrust-attitude".

About "thrust-attitude": the Harrier normally hovers with nozzles at 90 deg. 
and 4 deg. pitch up; in this attitude the thrust is directed straight downward,
and therefore airspeed is exactly 0 knots (the groundspeed depends on the wind).
Now, "thrust-attitude" is the resultant of actual pitch and nozzle angle; so if
you e.g. set nozzles to the 98 deg (called FullBrakingStop position) and pitch
to 4 deg. downward, it will again hover with exactly 0 airspeed because thrust
is still directed straight down.
- Pitching down from the standard 4 degr. up, OR decreasing nozzle angle from
  the standard 90 deg, will move the aircraft forward.
- Pitching up from the standard 4 degr. up, OR increasing nozzle angle from the 
  standard 90 deg, will move the aircraft backward.
Hence, you can hover with ANY airspeed between 50 knots forward and backward, 
depending on current nozzle direction and pitch !!
Also note, that if thrust is not directed exactly downward (so airspeed is unequal
to 0) you obviously need more thrust (higher N1) to maintain the same altitude.
Again, this effect is proportional; to the extent that even at full thrust you
cannot maintain altitude anymore (if the aircraft is heavy enough).

VTOL climb performance: (nozzles 90 deg., pitch 4 deg. up, full throttle)
- 15000 lbs (empty fuel weight): 1300 ft/min.
- 21000 lbs (max. safe VTOL weight): 400 ft/min

VTOL takeoff N1: (nozzles 90 deg)
- 15000 lbs (empty fuel weight): 77%
- 21000 lbs (max. safe VTOL weight): 90%

1. As outlined above (because this is an addon) I have to work within what's
   possible for an existing model; like: visible nozzle animations are usually
   coupled in the model to Flaps, and not an contiguous axis of its own (although
   of course that would require a seperate "nozzle" hardware controller axis as 
   well); Hence the limitation of discrete nozzle settings, since FSX only
   provides for max. 10 flap positions.
2. Make sure that your external control devices (joystick/pedals) are well-calibrated.
3. When VTOL-control is Active:
   - FSX gets a bit confused with its Stall warnings.
     Hence, in the aircraft.cfg, I inhibited Stall warning by setting extreme Stall
     speed warning limits.
   - The IAS reading of your normal speed meter may not be accurate.
     It displays the IAS calculated by FSX, NOT the real IAS.
     Moreover, FSX cannot indicate negative speed (when going backward)
   - Although the Elevator, Rudder and Ailerons function are now controlling other
     functions (the ReactionControlSystem), the aircraft rudder, nosewheel, elevator
     and ailerons visual animations still work. Just ignore them :-)
4. VTOL on moving surfaces (like moving carriers).
   Unfortunately, FSX doesn't provide the handles to do proper speed control when the
   aircraft sits on a moving surface, caused by the fact that in FSX "groundspeed"
   is relative to the earth's surface, and NOT to the moving surface (e.g. carrier deck).
   See also "Operation tip 8: VTOL on moving carriers"
5. If you fly with CrashDetection On:
   Always touchdown gently ! If your descent rate is too high, the aircraft may crash
   or just have a damaged gear. The latter causes a crash on the next touchdown in that
   flight (the aircraft sinks into the ground). 

(V)(S)TOL operation tips
1. Vertical Takeoff
- Make sure you are not too heavy; reduce fuel if necessary.
  Note that the max. VTOL weight for a Harrier is about 21000 lbs, given the max. thrust
  of 21500 lbs.
- Taxi your aircraft to the Takeoff position.
- Set nozzles to 90 deg., using default keys F6/F7 or mouseclicking the flaps/nozzles
  position bitmap. The red Overweight indicator should be Off.
  NOTE: F8 sets FullFlaps (== nozzles 98 deg, NOT 90 deg.)
- Apply full throttle,
  When N1 becomes > 77-90% (depending on weight), the aircraft will lift off.
- Raise the gear.
- When you reach sufficient height, gradually move the nozzles and flaps to normal
  position, using "flaps-decrement" (default key: F6, or by clicking the gauge).
  When transitioning from 80 to 50 deg nozzles, apply a little backpressure on the
  stick (elevator), to avoid the nose dropping when the VTOL gauge releases control.
- And if your are lazy :-) : set "flaps-up" immediately (default key: F4).
  The aircraft now will accelerate quickly to 250 knots, after which VTOL-control
  deactivates and you can fly the aircraft as usual.
2. Short Takeoff.
- Taxi your aircraft to the Takeoff position.
- Set flaps to Flaps 40, Nozzles 0 degrees.
- Apply full throttle.
- At around 60 knots, increment flaps (F7) to set nozzles at 50 deg.
- The aircraft will lift off now.
- Raise the gear.
- Gradually move nozzles and flaps to the normal flight position.

3. Vertical Landing.
- Make sure you are not too heavy (see "Vertical Takeoff").
- Descent, slow down and gradually lower Flaps.
- Around 170 knots and 1/2 a mile before landing spot, rotate nozzles to 90
  deg and throttle up.
  The airspeed will gradually reduce to 0.
- And if your are lazy :-) : set nozzles to FullBrakingStop immdiately (default
  key: F8), from ANY speed. The aircraft now will decellerate quickly.
  Note that the speed of decelleration depends on the actual nozzle position. !
- Lower the gear.
- Hover the aircraft to the landing spot, using throttle, stick and rudder.
  When near the landing spot, preferably turn the aircraft straight into to
  the wind and descent slowly (with zero groundspeed) untill touchdown.
  See also "5. Hover"
- Set brakes, throttle to idle, and flaps/nozzles to 0.
- Release brakes and taxi to the parking spot.

4. Short Landing.
- Descent, slow down and gradually lower Flaps to 40 deg.
  Make sure you are lined up with the runway.
- Around 120 knots and 1/2 a mile before landing spot, rotate nozzles to 50.
- Lower the gear.
- After touchdown, apply brakes, set flaps/nozzles to 0 and taxi.

5. Hover.
During a hover (nozzles 82-98 degrees), you can change direction, longitudinal/lateral
speed and altitude using your controls. See section "Detailed functionality"
So longitudinal and lateral groundspeed is also dependant on windspeed/direction.
To hover or land with zero groundspeed in all directions:
- Roughly compensate head/tailwind by adjusting nozzles.
  - Headwind < 6 knots: Nozzles 90
  - Headwind between 6 and 18 knots: Nozzles 86
  - Headwind between 18 and 30 knots: Nozzles 82
  - Tailwind < 6 knots: Nozzles 90
  - Tailwind between 6 and 18 knots: Nozzles 94
  - Tailwind between 18 and 30 knots: Nozzles 98
- Fine-compensate headwind with Elevator (Pitch), and Ailerons (bank/roll) for sidewind.

When N1 thrust > "x"%, altitude will increase, when < "x"% altitude will decrease
(proportional to N1). "x" is the "CenterThrust" in the gauge, which is the
N1 value at which the hover altitude remains constant, but corrected for:
- The actual aircraft Weight.
  - "CenterThrust" for min weight (15000 lbs, low fuel) is 80 % N1
  - "CenterThrust" for max VTOL weight (21000 lbs) is 96% N1
  - And liniairly between 80 and 96% for all weights 15000 and 21000 lbs.
- The "Thrust Attitude", as explained above.

6. Groundroll.
On the ground and nozzles less then 80 deg., VTOL is not active and the groundroll 
is as usual. However when nozzles are set greater then 80 deg (and Brakes Off), the
roll speed depends on the set nozzle position and throttle.
So the aircraft will roll forward (nozzles 94,98) or even backwards (82,86), with
a groundspeed depending on throttle.
And at nozzles 90, the aircraft won't move at all !! (since thrust is directed
straight down). 
Of course, keep thrust below "CenterThrust" or your aircraft will takeoff :-)
NOTE: when the aircraft is moving on the ground, make sure your ParkingBrakes remain OFF !! 

7. Performing the Harrier "bow".
Now, here's a spectacular effect; just like in real life (although with different
controls) !
- Make sure you are in a stable hover: nozzles at 90, pitch at 6 deg. up and
  throttle at a position where altitude is more or less constant.
- Make sure you have enough altitude: at least 100 feet AGL
- Go into Spotplane View.
- Rotate the nozzles to FBS (98 deg), by pressing F8.
  The aircraft will  build up backward airspeed.
- After a sec. or 2 (backwards speed is about 25 knots), press the elevator fully
  forward. The nose will quickly drop and the backward momentum is stopped.
- When the airspeed hits about 0 knots, center the elevator untill the aircraft 
  pitches up again to 4 deg.
- Set nozzles back to 90 deg. again (press F6 twice).

8. VTOL on moving carriers.
Also quite spectacular is VTOL operation on a moving carrier.
There's one catch though: you MUST switch OFF VTOL Ground Control (see "Groundroll").
As explained in the "Limitations".
A good place to start is:
- In FSX, select Mission "Tutorial 11: Helicopter Maneuvers 1" and check the box
  "Enable changes in selected mission" and "Show saved missions"
- Select your VTOL-capable aircraft instead of the helicopter.
  Remember to dump fuel before takeoff to stay below 21000 lbs weight !!!
- Set Ground Control OFF (click the amber light on the VTOL display gauge), and take off.
- Either follow the mission objectives (nice as well !!) or fly straight to the carrier.
- Approach the carrier (that moves with appr. 25 knots), using flaps, pitch and roll
  to control longitudinal and lateral airspeed, and land .....

How a real Harrier operates
Note that this info may not be 100% correct, and certainly not complete :-)

In a hover (nozzles rotated to 90 degrees) all thrust is directed downwards;
hence the aircraft weight must be less then the max. thrust to maintain (or even
increase) altitude; i.o.w. thrust (throttle) determines whether you are as/decending
or maintain current altitude.

The pilot can control the attitude of the aircraft via a Reaction Control System (RCS):
a set of "puffers" on the nose, tail and wings of the aircraft that uses compressed,
bleed air from the main engine.
1. Lateral movement (Roll).
   Moving the stick to the left opens the valve on the left wing, which pushes that
   wing down. Since the the thrust now is no longer directed underneath the aircraft,
   it is pushed sideways (to the left). 
2. Directional movement. (Yaw).
   Likewise there is a puffer jet on the tail boom which controls left or right yaw
   in the same way as lateral movement.
3. Forward/backward movement.
   This is controlled by changing the downward thrust direction, either by: 
   - Rotating the four main nozzles (from 90 degrees position) slightly forward or
   - Pitching the nose up or down (like a helicopter) via puffers in the nose and
   Usually the nozzles are adjusted to keep the aircraft more stable.

Credits, Copyrights and Disclaimer
This package is freeware, and is available for your personal use.
Without my explicite permission, it may NOT be sold, modified, re-distributed, 
re-bundled and/or uploaded to another website or bulletin board in ANY shape or form.
And obviously, installing & using this package is at your own risk. 

Thanks to:
- Doug Dawson, for his great "XML2IPC" gauge, which allows me to interface from my
  XML code to FSUIPC.
- Peter Dowson, for creating/maintaining FSUIPC.

Enjoy ......

Rob Barendregt, The Netherlands

*******************************  End of README  *******************************