USAF F-1 390th FS at Mountain Home [TEXTURES ONLY] this download represents a Lockheed Martin F-16 painted in the colours of the 390th FS at Mountain Home . AIRCRAFT BY kirk ollson TEXTURES BY UKMIL [] COPYRIGHT the textures are the property of ukmil These may not be used for any commercial purposes, or uploaded to any website, of placed on any CD without the permission of ukmil they may not be used by any Virtual Organisation you must download the main aircraft first then add the lines below to the AIRCRAFT.CFG config [replace the x with the next numbers] ADD THE TEXTURE FOLDERS TO THE AIRCRAFT FOLDER [fltsim.xx] title=VIPER gbu mo sim=VIPER model=GBU panel= sound= texture=mo checklists= description= F-16 Fighting Falcon ---by Kirk Olsson--- ui_manufacturer=Lockheed Martin ui_type=F-16 viper (USAF) 390th ui_variation=GBU's atc_heavy=0 atc_id=94 atc_airline=Air Force atc_flight_number= atc_type=LOCKHEED atc_model=F16 [fltsim.xx] title=VIPER harm mo sim=VIPER model=HARM panel= sound= texture=mo checklists= description=F-16 Fighting Falcon ---by Kirk Olsson--- ui_manufacturer=Lockheed Martin ui_type=F-16 viper (USAF) 390th ui_variation=HARM's atc_heavy=0 atc_id=94 atc_airline=Air Force atc_flight_number= atc_type=LOCKHEED atc_model=F16 [fltsim.xx] title=VIPER vc mo sim=VIPER model=1 panel= sound= texture=mo checklists= description=F-16 Fighting Falcon ---by Kirk Olsson--- ui_manufacturer=Lockheed Martin ui_type=F-16 viper (USAF) 390th ui_variation=Clean (Virtual Cockpit Friendly) atc_heavy=0 atc_id=94 atc_airline=Air Force atc_flight_number= atc_type=LOCKHEED atc_model=F16 [fltsim.xx] title=VIPER fuel mo sim=VIPER model=fuel panel= sound= texture=mo checklists= description=F-16 Fighting Falcon ---by Kirk Olsson--- ui_manufacturer=Lockheed Martin ui_type=F-16 viper (USAF) 390th ui_variation=Long Range atc_heavy=0 atc_id=94 atc_airline=Air Force atc_flight_number= atc_type=LOCKHEED atc_model=F16 [fltsim.xx] title=VIPER jdam sim=VIPER model=jdam panel= sound= texture=mo checklists= description=F-16 Fighting Falcon ---by Kirk Olsson--- ui_manufacturer=Lockheed Martin ui_type=F-16 viper (USAF) 390th ui_variation=JDAM's atc_heavy=0 atc_id=94 atc_airline=Air Force atc_flight_number= atc_type=LOCKHEED atc_model=F16