Hi! Thanks for downloading! You've just downloaded the Breguet Atlantic of the MLD (Marine Luchtvaart Dienst)or Royal Netherlands Navy. This aircraft was stationed on Navy base Valkenburg The Netherlands. The registration was 257. this craft crashed into the north sea on the 15th of August 1973. No deads or injuries. This pack contains: - 32bit textures of the 257 - Model - Panel - Sound - lights - Key config. Credits for the model: An FSDS model made by Massimo Taccoli. Original panel by Jean-Pierre Langer , Textures, by Mees Jansen Flight Dynamics files by Dennis Seeley. Sound by Mike Hambly. Copyright (c) 2012 Massimo Taccoli maxtaccoli AT libero.it NOTE: FSX ONLY! __________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION Just unzip the folder "Brequet Atlantique, into C:/ Programfilesx86/ Microsoft Games/ Microsoft FlightSimulator X/SimObjects/Airplanes. That's it! ___________________________________________________________________ Enjoy your flight! NOTE: Ive closed the Requests temporary. This because of an stuck PC. My excuses.