**********INSTALLATION********** Place the 'hurricane_mki' folder in your CFS3/aircaft folder to install the aircraft. Place the 'ST.xml' file in your CFS3/missions/historical folder to install the mission. The mission is called 'Squadron Leader Stanford Tuck' in the game. Read the Breifing carefully as it contains information on the altitude of the bombers, etc... Before installing, delete any old versions of this aircraft you have to avoid any coflicts within the game. You will also need to download the Ground Crew Bf110G2 from CFS3 Aircraft Page 5 at Simviation.com to use the mission. **********OTHER STUFF********** I hereby declare this file as FREEWARE and it may be uploaded to any site as long as no charge is required for the file OR for membership of the website. Thanks to Patrick Didier for releasing his Hurricane in the first place and making this possible. Thanks also to Mark Osbourne for his excellent flight dynamics and willingness to help. I would also like to thank George Cox for his constant 'constructive critism', making sure there was nothing at all wrong with my textures. :P Thanks also goes out to Robert Stanford-Tuck and all the brave men who fought for their countries during the war. Their sacrifices were not in vain.