A "What If..." repaint. What if... Germany had needed an alternative while waiting on production deliveries of their Ju-52s... A Luftwaffe themed repaint that works for both the float and wheeled versions of the recently released native FSX Avia 57 by Milton Shupe and team. I have also made some edits to a few internal textures to tie in further with the theme. A new prop texture is also included, but should you not like it just delete 'spinpropb18.dds' and it will use the default texture. Copy the texture.Luftwaffe folder to both the float and wheeled aircraft folders, and add the following to the aircraft.cfgs: Float vesion: [fltsim.4] title = Avia 57 Cargo Float Luftwaffe sim = Avia57F model = Cargof panel = Cargof sound = texture = Luftwaffe panel_alias = kb_checklists=Avia57_check kb_reference=Avia57_Ref atc_id = K673 atc_id_color = atc_parking_types = atc_parking_code = atc_airline= atc_flight_number= ui_variation = Luftwaffe ui_manufacturer = Avia ui_type = Avia 57 Floats description=Avia 57 Cargo Float Luftwaffe visual_damage = Wheeled version: [fltsim.9] title=Avia 57 Luftwaffe VIP Transport sim=Avia57 model=57 panel=cargo sound=RK-12 texture=Luftwaffe panel_alias = kb_checklists=Avia57_check kb_reference=Avia57_Ref atc_id=F-2 atc_id_color= atc_parking_code = atc_airline= atc_flight_number= ui_variation=Luftwaffe VIP Transport ui_manufacturer=Avia ui_type=Avia 57 description=Avia 57 Luftwaffe VIP Transport visual_damage= atc_id_font=Verdana,-11,1,600,0 [fltsim.10] title=Avia 57 Luftwaffe Cargo sim=Avia57 model=Bush panel=cargo sound=RK-12 texture=Luftwaffe panel_alias = kb_checklists=Avia57_check kb_reference=Avia57_Ref atc_id=F-2 atc_id_color= atc_parking_code = atc_airline= atc_flight_number= ui_variation=Luftwaffe Cargo ui_manufacturer=Avia ui_type=Avia 57 description=Avia 57 Luftwaffe Cargo visual_damage= atc_id_font=Verdana,-11,1,600,0 ...and finally, copy over the 'thumbnail' image in the 'non-float thumbnail' folder to the wheeled Luftwaffe texture folder, overwriting when asked. (This will give you a more appropriate thumbnail in your aircraft selection window)