Cera UH60L Air Force AFSOC This is an adaptation of the US Air Force's MH-60, operated by the Air Force Special Operations Command's Para Rescue teams. This repaint for the payware CeraSim UH-60L Blackhawk helicopter. Insert the enclosed folder "texture.AFSOC" into the Cera UH60 folder located /SimObjects/Rotorcraft/UH_60L_Blackhawk Paste the following into the aircraft.cfg file in the Cera UH60 folder making sure that the x in [fltsim.x] is changed to the next available number. [fltsim.x] title=UH_60_L AFSOC sim=UH_60_L model= panel= sound= texture=AFSOC kb_checklists=UH_60L_check kb_reference=UH_60L_ref atc_airline="USA" atc_id=610 ui_manufacturer="Cera Sim" ui_type="UH 60L" ui_variation="USA" ui_typerole="Rotorcraft" ui_createdby="Cera Sim" description= This is an adaptation of the US Air Force's MH-60 for the payware CeraSim UH-60L Blackhawk helicopter. Repaint by Jason Anderson.