============================= CAMSIM Aviation Simulation =============================== Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. Mail: camsim@videotron.ca ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATIONS: FSX 1- Unzip all files in your FSX \SimObjects\Airplanes folder. Note Skip 2 if you already have one of my AGS aircrafts 2- Unzip the Effects.zip ( night effects on the engines ) in your FSX main folder.( Should goes in Effects folder ) (this one is very important for the new night light effects) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2D panel used these aircraft gauges: Airbus A321- important Boeing 737-400 Boeing 737-800- important Boeing 747-400- important Beech_Baron 58 King Air 350 Mooney_Bravo If some gauges are missing in the panel, you should check is these aircraft's are installed in your FS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT WING VIEW: Engine and wing view is at is best, if you zoom out at 60% in Cockpit View using key + or - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Animations Info: This aircraft come with Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) Press Shift+E to open / close the passenger air stairs door M2. Press Shift+E+2 to open / close the passenger first door M1. ( Start FSX ground animations ) Press Shift+D to open / close the cargo doors Press Shift+C to start / end the animations To fully used your animation make sure that you add these commands in your FSX main menu: Options / Settings / Controls / Buttons/keys / Change Assignment...: 1- Wing fold/unfold = SHIFT + C 2- Tail hook up/down = SHIFT + D More informations with pictures, how to setup your FSX to add animations (AGS) Check folder: How to setup Animations (AGS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows 7 users: Dawn and Dusk missing parts on my aircraft's. FSX Windows 7 users will have to unchecked Preview DirectX 10 in Option /Settings/ Display /Global option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special notes: This aircraft model is made available for the private use of Microsoft Flight Simulator enthusiasts. Under no circumstances, may this zip file, be modify or sold for profit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----IMPORTANT---- It's a freeware