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=============================  CAMSIM Aviation Simulation  ===============================

Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.

                                 INSTALLATIONS: FSX
1- Unzip all files in your FSX \SimObjects\Airplanes folder.

                Skip 2 if you already have one of my AGS aircrafts 

2- Unzip the ( night effects on the engines ) in your FSX main folder.( Should goes in Effects folder ) 
           (this one is very important for the new night light effects)


    The 2D panel used these aircraft gauges:

Airbus A321- important
Boeing 737-400
Boeing 737-800- important
Boeing 747-400- important
Beech_Baron 58
King Air 350

If some gauges are missing in the panel, you should check is these aircraft's are installed in your FS


Engine and wing view is at is best, if you zoom out at 60% in Cockpit View using key + or -

                                       Animations Info:

This aircraft come with Animated Ground Servicing (AGS)

Press Shift+E    to open  / close the passenger air stairs door M2.
Press Shift+E+2 to open  / close the passenger first door M1. ( Start FSX ground animations )
Press Shift+D    to open  / close the cargo doors
Press Shift+C    to start / end the animations

To fully used your animation make sure that you add these commands in your FSX main menu: Options / Settings / Controls / Buttons/keys / Change Assignment...:
1- Wing fold/unfold    = SHIFT + C
2- Tail hook up/down = SHIFT + D

More informations with pictures, how to setup your FSX to add animations (AGS) 
Check folder: How to setup Animations (AGS)


                                   Windows 7 users:

Dawn and Dusk missing parts on my aircraft's.
FSX Windows 7 users will have to unchecked Preview DirectX 10 in Option /Settings/ Display /Global option.


                                   Special notes:

   This aircraft model is made available for the private use of Microsoft 
   Flight Simulator enthusiasts. Under no circumstances, 
   may this zip file, be modify or sold for profit. 


                                  It's a freeware