> pa_a321_v2 > Read me Installation.txt
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FSX/P3D Airbus A321S updated model and VC. 
Textures : Delta, Jetblue.
Fixes a number of things in the cockpits of the airbuses.

The autobrakes are now fully functional within the vc. Check near the gear lever.

ECAMS lower screen is more accurate. Credit to "FsWorX"

Edits by Collin MacKenzie. Textures by Mathieu Vos. 


   1.  P3D 4+ users: Edit aircraft.cfg files (using notepad or similar text editor) so that the 'panel=32Xisg' is  changed to 'panel=p3dv4' (or your gauges won't show)	

   2.  Copy the Airbus_A321 to your FSX or P3D SimObjects\Airplanes folder.

   3.  Copy the Contents of the Sound Folder to your FSX or P3D Sound Folder.


Items to note:


When adding repaints, look at the liveries already in included in the pack to see which textures you need.  
Don't forget to copy the texture.cfg file contained in each texture folder for the respective aircraft to any new repaint's texture folder.

Have fun.


Exterior Models by Project Airbus
FMC Gauge by Garrett Smith
GPWS Gauge by Rob Barendregt
Sounds by Braulio de Oliveira Castro Junior
VC model edtied by Collin MacKenzie
Panel By Collin MacKenzie
Paint by Sheldon Fernandes