T-28CupX.zip > Read me.txt
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This is an update for FSX of the T-28C trainer by Tim Conrad.  I added a picture so it would show on the choose the aircraft screen; changed and/or added gauges to both panels, 2 of them would not work with FSX; corrected any contact points that needed it; corrected the position of the tail hook; changed the sound to the Beaver sound; and updated the flight dynamics.

Unzip to a folder of your choice.  Copy the aircraft to the main FS airplanes folder.  Copy the effect to the main FS effects folder, no need to overwrite if already there.  Copy the GaugeSound.dll file to the main FSX folder if not already there, the sim will crash if you don't have it there and try to use this aircraft.  Say yes to using any gauges the sim might ask about.  The gauges that work with FSX are in the panel folder.

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed    = 84.0
full_flaps_stall_speed  = 65
cruise_speed            = 202			//knots over the ground at 10,000 ft. (174 knots indicated)[200 mph indicated]
max_indicated_speed = 402
max_mach = 0.5914
max_level_speed=302				//knots over the ground at 10,000 ft. (265 knots indicated)

I found it easier to land the aircraft on an aircraft carrier without the hook down.  If you touch down near the stern and use the speed brake and the brakes you can stop before reaching the bow; that is, if you did not touch down at more than 80 knots indicated.  With the hook down and catching a cable, the aircraft tends to nose over to the side.  Maybe it is just me not doing it perfect enough?

For some reason, if you try landing with the tail hook down and the nose high enough so the hook touches the carrier first, the deck allows the aircraft to sink into it.  So your landing speed with the hook down has to be high enough to land with the nose fairly level.

I added an autopilot in a window.  Use it, or not; your choice.

Anyone:  You have my permission to use any of my updates with the following conditions:  One, you don't try to make money with them.  Two, you don't try to hurt, or take something from anyone by using them.

Bob Chicilo.
