> Read me.txt
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This is an update for FSX of the BAC 1-11-200 by David Maltby.  I have given it the panel from my 1-11-500 update; added the rest of the wheels; corrected any contact points that needed it; corrected the eye point; added strobe lights and a VC light; and updated the flight dynamics.  No VC.

Unzip to a folder of your choice.  Copy the aircraft to the main FS airplanes folder.  Copy the effect to the FS effects folder, no need to overwrite if already there.

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed= 110.00
full_flaps_stall_speed= 90.00
cruise_speed= 405.00			//knots over the ground at 25,000 ft. (285 indicated)
max_cruise_speed=420			//knots over the ground at 25,000 ft. (297 indicated)

Do the approach at 120 to 140 knots, or whatever gives you the decent that you want.  This means you will need about half throttle with the wheels and flaps down.

The aircraft has more range than it should.  This may be because it has a centre fuel tank.  If I remember what I read correct, the centre tank is optional on the 1-11-200.

The reverse thrust comes from the holes at the rear of the engines so there are no outside moving components to see it is working.

I changed the smoke to an effect that I have since the ones in the aircraft.cfg file were not with the aircraft.

Anyone:  You have my permission to use any of my updates with the following conditions:  One, you don't try to make money with them.  Two, you don't try to hurt, or take something from anyone by using them.

Bob Chicilo.