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This is an update for FSX of the SU-15F by Brett Hoskins, Mike Mahat, and Bennett Gray; with updates by Philippe Wallaert and Michael Pook.  I have added gauges or changed gauge positions as well as some of the window positions; added the 4th wheel; corrected the contact points; changed the afterburner burners; changed the smoke; and updated the flight dynamics.

Unzip to a folder of your choice.  Copy the aircraft to the main FS airplanes folder.  Copy the gauge to the panel folder or the main FS gauges folder.  Copy the effects to the main effects folder no need to overwrite if already there.  Copy the textuers in the effects texture folder to the main FS effects texture folder, no need to overwrite if already there.

To use the panel by MR. Pook, remarke out // the 169 on the panel= line.  I added the picture that it was missing for the electric panel.  I did not do anything to the 3x4 panel since I don't think anyone still uses 3x4; but I left it in if someone wants it.

I left out the Callout gauge and dll files for simplicity, plus; I don't think they would be in most fighter aircraft.

The aircraft has about 4 times the range it should have.  I believe this is due to the engine parameters in the air file; records 1502 to 1507.  Something is allowing it to cruise at under 50% power; instead of 70 to 90%.

[Reference Speeds]
cruise_speed=655.00			//knots over the ground at 42,000 ft. (350 indicated)
max_level_speed=mach 2.50		//at 42,000 ft. (765 knots indicated)

Anyone:  You have my permission to use any of my updates with the following conditions:  One, you don't try to make money with them.  Two, you don't try to hurt, or take something from anyone by using them.

Bob Chicilo.