KLAX - Los Angeles Intl Airport, California, USA by Robert Catherall This is Ray Smith's FSX file. Ray has given me permission to modify his file for P3Dv4. Assigned parking updated as per their website. At the Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT), A380 gates are assigned to those airlines that only use A380's. The rest of the gates at TBIT are random parking. Gate 39 at Terminal 3 is for Virgin Australia's 777 departures. American Eagle flights are operating from the East Satellite terminal. Taxiways and taxi signs updated to the latest charts. Extra fuel trucks, support vehicle roads rebuilt. Lighted helipad beside the Theme Restaurant and many other scenery improvements are included. There are 2 BGL files: KLAX_P3Dv4_RWC.BGL and a KLAX_P3Dv4_RWC_CVX.BGL file To Install: I will describe the one familiar to most, however it is suggested that you use the preferred XML method. If interested, download 'Lorby Prepar3D v4 Addon Organizer' found at Lorby-si.com. This little App will create the necessary files and add them to your Sim. 1. If not already done, Create an 'Addon Scenery' folder preferable outside the root Prepar folder. 2. Add 'scenery' and 'texture' folders to the 'Addon Scenery' folder you created. Make sure you "Activate" this new folder in Prepar Scenery Library. Take the KLAX_P3Dv4_RWC.BGL and the KLAX_P3Dv4_RWC_CVX.BGL file and place both of these files into: Addon Scenery\scenery folder you created. 3. Open the "FedEx Textures" folder: Take the "23" textures from that folder and "PASTE" them into: Addon Scenery\texture folder you created. 4. Start up the Flight Sim and the changes will be present. IMPORTANT NOTE: PLEASE ONLY USE THESE KLAX.BGL FILES: i.e: make sure there is only the KLAX_P3Dv4_RWC.BGL file and KLAX_P3Dv4_RWC_CVX.BGL file are in the Addon Scenery/scenery folder at anytime, remove/delete any other KLAX.bgl to avoid incorrect parking and other airport conflicts. If you have any AI Traffic Addons please make sure they have "NOT" installed an AFCAD for this airport as this will also cause a conflict. To Uninstall: 1. Delete/remove the BGL files and the default airport will then be active. [COPYRIGHT] NO PART OF THESE FILES CAN BE SOLD OR DISTRIBUTED FOR FINANCIAL GAIN, THIS IS SOLELY FREEWARE THESE FILES ARE NOT TO BE BUNDLED OR RE-UPLOADED WITHOUT THE AUTHORS CONSENT. THESE FILES ARE NOT TO BE CHANGED AND RE-UPLOADED WITHOUT THE AUTHORS CONSENT. Acknowledgements _________________________________ ADE Utility (Freeware) - Jon Masterson.........http://www.scruffyduck.org.uk/ This also has a download centre for many other ADE files. Please visit here for more information...........http://www.airportdesigneditor.co.uk Any questions relating to ADE can be answered at www.fsdeveloper.com/forum......look for Airport Design Editor Victor Nauta for the permission to use his scenery objects. Patrick Finch for the permission to use his excellent FedEx scenery objects. Enjoy and Happy flying Bob robertcatherall@hotmail.com