Hello! Thanks for download! :) You've just downloaded the Project Fokker, Fokker 70 aircraft in the KLM Cityhopper livery. This pack contains: Detailed texture (32bit HD) The real Rolls Royce sound The 2d panel of Premier Aircraft designs Fokker 100. Repaint by: Mees Jansen Let's repaint it team NOTE: For FSX use as FS2004 as well! Maybe FS2002 not sure, but must work. __________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION FSX: Unzip the folder called: Fokker 70 KLM Cityhopper, to your main FSX Airplanes folder, who you can find in C:/ Program Files x86/ Microsoft Games/ SimObjects/ Airplanes. FS2004: Unzip the folder called: Fokker 70 KLM Cityhopper, to your main FS2004 Aircraft folder, who you can find in: C:/ Program files x86/ Microsoft games/ Microsft Flightsimulator 2004/ Aircraft. For FS2002, is the same way as you install it for FS2004 __________________________________________________________________________________ THAT's IT! Enjoy your Flight! ;) __________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT: If you have questions or even requests? Feel free to send them: jansen.mees@live.nl Or go to our own website, where you also can find more! www.letsrepainit.com Thankyou