F18Panel.zip > F18Panel > Readme FIRST.txt
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For FS9;  I revised the panel previously published by Laurie Gregoire for an F18. 
Thanks to Laurie for the permission. You should be able to use it in any fighter jet.  

It's set up with 2dviews for an aircraft without a VC, but I've included a second panel cfg which uses the vc views in the new KBT Team Hornet. Main BMP was revised from the original. There's two versions. Use whichever you prefer. Wrap around 2d views are 256bit so performance should be OK.  

I've included the new F/A-18E gauge files and used some of them in the main panel. Thanks to the KBT Team for permission.  I also did incorporate the rcbco-11 carrier meatball hud gauges and meatball icon in the main 2d panel in both panel cfgs and positioned them but did not include the meatball gauges.  If you want to see the rcbco-11 meatball hud, you'll need the rcbco-11 meatball hud gauge folder (just drop it in the panel folder), or to take off and land on carriers,you may need additional stuff (I can't help you there) and have not done any carrier takeoffs or landings. You'll need to find and download the rcbco-11 gauge files and follow their instructions carefully.  The rcbco-11 readme is included here.

I've also noted a pretty good improvement in framerate when using the 2d panel version while flying the F/A-18E [by: (2004 March TEAM FS KBT) (http://flightinfo.ens.ne.jp/FS_KBT/). Their readme is included, but don't contact them for support on this panel. Can't guarantee that you'll experience the same improved framerate performance. 

The Team FS KBT F/A-18E comes equipped with a VC.  Find the [View] section in the aircraft cfg file. To use this 2d panel with 2dviews with that aircraft, you'll have to change your eyepoint in the "aircraft cfg" file as follows:

eyepoint=14.92,0.000000,3.68  //using 2d panel only with 2d views
//eyepoint=14.70,0.0,2.619    //using 2d panel with vc views

This will change your position in the cockpit so that you'll sit above and forward of the vc so that the vc will not interfere with the 2d views. Course you won't be able to use the vc.  Doesn't look much different sitting on the runway than before. You'll also notice that the tinted sideviews are no longer there.

You can retain the vc and use this panel with it, as I've provided a second Panel Cfg file which incorporates the original vc panel cfg sections into this one.  I've not // out any of the VC gauges, but I found the framerate was not to good on my rig running all the vc gauges with this panel. Depending on your rig and amount of ram, you can // out all the vc gauges, or some of them, by placing a / mark in front of each gauge in the vc sections of the panel cfg you feel you don't need and see what happens?  The more gauges you / out the better the performance with the vc panel.  The eyepoint that I use when using the vc views is a little different from the original and is as follows:  

//eyepoint=14.92,0.000000,3.68  //using 2d panel only with 2d views
eyepoint=14.70,0.0,2.619    //using 2d panel with vc views

Freeware only.  Remember, always backup your original files first!!
There's a second main bmp in the panel folder which you can use by renaming it "main" if you prefer that one.
Also, take a look at the original readmes and give proper credit where credit's due.

Note:  the panel starts out cold.  You'll have to select which hud you want and turn on the flight displays.
You'll find a neat selection available thanks to Laurie G. CD player also included. See readme for that. My beta tester told me he had to turn off the auto-run feature on the CD.  That may be the case.  Holding down the Shift Key when the CD tray closes also bypasses the auto-run if I remember right. I'm going to go ahead and include my email which I normally don't do.  If something doesn't work right, remember; you probably know more about panels than I and way more than me when it comes to takeoff and landing on carriers.

Richard Anderson.
aka Bigshot