This is a full package (aircraft and panel) and it is for FS 2004, but it should work also in fs2002 (except the GPS), to be displayed at 1024x768 resolution or more. Thank you for downloading this package, I hope you'll enjoy it. IMPORTANT! =========== You MUST also insert the enclosed 'GougeSound.dll' in the Main FS2004 folder, othrwise you will experience a FS crash!! FREEWARE! ========= FOREWORD ======== The model features reflective metallic skin, very detailed moving parts, such as all flight controls, steerable nose wheel, spinning wheels, animated canopy, rotating pilot's head on rudder command, lighted engine exaust advancing the throttle. The near photographic panel has been created from scratch, including the most part of the gauges created by the authors. Included in this model there is also a very simple Virtual Cockpit, with working essential gauges and animated flight controls. NOTE : ---------- Some buttons and switches in the panel are just there for realism, but they don't work. INSTALLATION ============ Just unzip this file into your FlightSimulator9/aircraft folder and you will find a "F100" folder with the usual subfolders, a 'GougeSound.dll', an 'F100_Gauges' folder, an 'F100_sounds' folder, an 'fx_afterburner_f3.fx' file then operate as follows: Step 1-Copy/Paste the contents of the 'F100_Gauges' folder into the FlightSimulator9 'Gauge' folder. Step 2-Copy/Paste the 'GougeSound.dll' in your MAIN FlightSimulator9 folder (if you don't have it yet). Step 3-Copy/Paste the contents of the 'F100_sounds' folder into the FlightSimulator9 'sound' folder. (Pay attention; you may have more recent sound files, so do not overwrite them). Step 4-Copy/Paste the 'fx_afterburner_f3.fx' file into your FlightSimulator9 'Effects' folder. I think this should be the end of the installation procedure. ...Have happy flights! TIP ==== Increasing engine power just above 90% N1, the engine exhaust flame will be displayed in the 'SPOT' view of the aircraft. DISCLAIMER ========== THE MODEL HAS BEEN TESTED MANY TIMES TO ENSURE THE PROPER OPERATION OF THIS SOFTWARE, AND ALL IS DONE TO AVOID ERRORS IN THE CONFIGURATION OF THE PANEL. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL INCIDENTAL OR ANY SYSTEM DAMAGE DUE TO THE FAILURE OR IMPROPER OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE. THERE IS NOT ANY WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED FOR ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. DO NOT MAKE ANY MONEY WITH THIS SOFTWARE! Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Capt. I. D'Attomo Capt. G.Quai January, 2007 P.S. more complete free aircrafts may be found in ''. Just type the author's name in the 'search for text' box. The authors grant permission for the texture files in this package to be used for repainting purposes.