BOEING 727 panel by Philippe WALLAERT Unzip all files into the aircraft panel folder (EG: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\B727\panel) Main_Panel.bmp B727.CAB Panel.cfg Important notes: 1) AUTOTHROTTLE This panel needs the activation of autothrottle. Please check that it is activated correctly in the autopilot section of aircraft.cfg EG: [autopilot] autopilot_available = 1 flight_director_available = 1 default_vertical_speed = 1500.0 autothrottle_available = 1 <------------ autothrottle_arming_required = 1 <------------ autothrottle_max_rpm = 90 2) FUEL This panel is configurated for 3 tanks - Left main - Center - Right main Normally, the fuel section of your aircraft.cfg file must look this way: [fuel] Center1= 8.00, 0.00, -1.50, 4530.00, 30.00 LeftMain= 1.00, -19.00, -0.20, 2638.00, 28.00 RightMain= 1.00, 19.00, -0.20, 2638.00, 28.00 / -------------------------------/ You may eventually ajust this value which is the tank capacity in gallons Enjoy!