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Ths is a panel update for the Grumman Avenger TBM3W by A.F. Scrub recently posted by him. I re-worked the VC by adding more gauges and enhanced its appearence. I also modified the 2D panel to match
the VC and added smoke effect.

Important tip:

in 2D panel mode: the gauge "nose up and down" (two white arrows in the 2D panel) enables you to look out of the cockpit in front of you.


1. In the case you already have this aircraft, delete it and copy my Avenger folder into your FSX/ Simobjects/ aircraft directory..
2. Copy the gauges in the gauges folder into your main FSX gauges directory and the smoke effect into your main effects directory (no need to overwrite).
   That's it, enjoy your flight. 


Credits go to A. F. Scrub for the original model.

This file is FREEWARE. It should not harm your computer, but you install it at your own risk.
Feel free to copy or to distribute it, but don't make any money with it. It is not permitted to use it for any commercial purposes. 


Any comments or questions to:

Enjoy your flights!!

Michael Pook

January 26, 2015