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The focus of this update lies on a completely reworked and enhanced VC and 2D panel. In addition to the new panels, smoke effect and lights have been added as well as
cabin camera views by Erwin Welker. Original model by Edward Cook and repaint by Jaap de Barre, camera views by Erwin Welker and new VC and 2D panel configuration as well as 
smoke effect and lights by Michael Pook.


1. In the case you already have this aircraft, delete it and copy and paste the new Airspeed Ferry folder into your main airplane directory. 
2. Copy the gauges in the gauges folder into your main FSX gauges directory and the smoke effect into your main effects directory (no need to overwrite).
   That's it, enjoy your flight. 


Credits go to Edward Cook for the original model, to Jaap de Barre for his great repaint and to Erwin Welker for his camera views.
Also, thanks to all those designers out there for their great gauges. 

This file is FREEWARE. It should not harm your computer, but you install it at your own risk.
Feel free to copy or to distribute it, but don't make any money with it. It is not permitted to use it for any commercial purposes. 


You will find all of my works under the search key "Michael Pook" at or Simviation.

Any comments or questions to:

Enjoy your flights!!

Michael Pook

June 24, 2015