INSTALLATION GUIDE - F3D Skyknight for FSX Extract all the files into your FSX root folder. The necessary sub-folders will be created automatically. FEATURES: 1) Animations Crew hatche - shift-e Speedbrakes - Spoiler (/) key Tailhook - usually T (if not check your assignments) Wingfold - usually W or F (if not check your assignments) 2) POP-UP PANELS : shift-2 : Autopilot shift-3 : radios shift-4 : GPS shift-5 : Starters panel 3) SMOKE TRAIL : The smoke trail is activated by pressing the i-key. 4) ADVANCED flight model Advanced users may prefer an enhanced flight model which is more authentic and hence more of a challenge to fly correctly. The files for this are in the ADVANCED folder (.cfg and .air files). Backup the default flight model files first, then copy these into the F3D's main folder. 5) AI MODEL A lower-poly model is included in the ADVANCED folder. This will give improved FPS and can be used for AI operations with the required 3rd-party software. Note: The LP model is an FS9 model COPYRIGHT INFORMATION These files are freeware. Please amend/distribute as you see fit. They are unsupported, so please do not e-mail us if you have problems. Under no circumstances may these files be sold or uploaded to a payware site or any kind of illegal warez site. All rights reserved - AlphaSim 2008 WWW.ALPHASIM.CO.UK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtavia 6:08 PM (4 hours ago) to me Hi, please feel free to distribute your updated models, just ensure that the Virtavia is mentioned as the originator and provide a link to the site. Naturally we do not permit any selling or other profiting from the models. Regards, Phil, Virtavia Support From: LLS Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 7:50 AM To: Subject: Old freeware... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.5 for FSX-19:33GMT-02/12/15 FSX only, tested in FSX(A) FSX native conversion, full original Alpha Skyknight with VC. All functions and animations correct in sense and direction, per original FS2004 release. Conversion facilitated by a terrific set of freeware tools; Arno's MDLX with a breakthrough set of new XML definitions by Henk-BRAVO ZULU! Textures in DDS DXT3 format with Martin Wright's DXTBMP, file structure in FSX format. Skullsweat and conversion by LLS. While the model comes in a bit heavier, the frames are buttery, the glass is c'est bon. Note: The VC was modeled without interior glass at the factory, no cure for that. While bump and spec textures cam be assigned to the model now via MDLX, I have not made such textures-not a painter. A little known type, this pioneering night and allweather shipboard fighter served USN and USMC during the early days of jet flight. The bulky hull was required to carry the hefty avionics and radar systems of the day, and featured an armament of 4 m-39 20mm cannon. As the early ejection seats were heavy and of doubtfull reliability, Ed Henniman and his team opted for a ventral escape slide with cartridge actuated doors and wind deflectors, a feature seen latter in the A3D Skywarrior bomber. The Skyknight served in the Korean war, with the distinction of the highest kill rate of the all-weather/nightfighter squadrons in theater, with a single aircraft lost to enemy action. The comodious hull and rugged construction of the type led to a long career as a trials and development platform, as well as seeing use as an electronic warfare aircraft, a role the 'Drut' saw combat in again with Marine EW squadrons in Vietnam. The last Skyknights were finally retired from development and test work in the mid-eighties at White Sands Missile Range. We are unlikely to see a new Native Skyknight, but alpha's tubby girl is a great model, with Henk's work on animation definitions, voila! Look for more in the future. If you missed it, Henk has released FSX native versions of: Alpha's F8 Crusader F-101A, F-101B/CF-101B, RF-101 Voodoo EB-57 canberra Avaliable for Download at Sim Out House. Merry Christmas