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The A-26B/C Invader for MSFS2004 (Generally Compatible with FSX)
by Members of SimOuthouse
See for Current Details, FAQ's, Known Problems, Repaint Information, and more.
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My thanks go out to the many SimOuthouse members who were involved in and who influenced this package.  I wish to thank thudpilot and GZR_Sactargets for their dedication in obtaining resources for the project.  Special thanks also goes out to Invader26 who recorded and shared his A-26 sound files.  I also wish to acknowledge the many hours invested by, at last count, 71 SOH members who contributed in one way or another, who cheered from the sidelines, and inspired and rallied the team forward.  I also want to thank the SimOuthouse management team and moderators (Douglas, Ickie, Henry, Willy, Panther, and others) for accommodating the project with a forum, for allowing "flexibility" in posts and storage, and providing the support necessary to see the project through.

Last but not least, I thank the primary team members, Rich Murray (Real Old Salt), John Terrell (Bomber_12th), Jerry Beckwith (Sparks), David Copley (dcc), Willy, Doug Dawson, and Jan Visser for taking time away from their projects to work on the A-26B.  You guys have been great to work with and you delivered an awesome product.  I wish to recognize Fliger747 for the many testing hours he invested with the flight model and for doing the checklist.  His RW experience has been invaluable.
Copyrights and credits: 
This FS2004 flight simulation aircraft is modeled by Milton Shupe, panel and gauges crafted by Rich Murray (Real Old Salt), textures by John Terrell (Bomber_12th), Sounds mixed by David Copley (DCC), flight model by Jerry Beckwith (Sparks), and beta testing by Willy's team, feedback, and input by SOH seasoned flightsimmers and real world pilots. There may be other copyright files by other authors denoted in their respective readme's.
Modeler		  : 	Milton Shupe 
Flight Model	  : 	Jerry "Sparks" Beckwith
Panel and Gauges    : 	Copyright by Real Old Salt (see his readme and files for other credits)
Technical Data	  : 	Provided by SOH members
Tested              : 	Team Members, Willy and the SOH Beta Team of SimOuthouse members
UVW Mapping         : 	Milton Shupe
Major Textures      : 	Exterior and Interior VC textures Copyright by John Terrell (Bomber_12th)
Paint Kit		  : 	Copyright by John Terrell (Bomber_12th)
Sounds		  : 	Soundset mixed by David Copley (Raw source sounds provided by Nicolai Musante (Invader26) and others)
Pilots and Textures : 	Copyright Jan Visser

Special Effects     : 	Copyrights by Microsoft, wing night light effects(Newll) by Kaveh Payandeh, optional Engine slow start for the R-2800 by Doug Dawson, daylight gauge by Rich Murray, engine startup smoke and fire by Milton Shupe

Checklist and Ref's :	Tom Falley (Fliger747)
Website Content	  :	Milton Shupe
Miscellaneous	  :	Data and Pictures of source aircraft: Provided by members of SimOuthouse

For contact and information visit the SimOuthouse FS2004 forum and webpage:
The A-26B/C Invader SOH Project
March 2007