FSX/P3D Boeing 787-9 British Airways with FSX Native 787 VC. BA currently have 18 Boeing 787-9. The high quality Boeing 787-9 from TDS. The VC is the Bender Erik great adaption of the Asobo MSFS 2020 Boeing 787 cockpit. Cockpit textured lighter grey. TDS high spec. native FSX Boeing 787-9 model. See Document to get the best out of the VC. Revised, retextured, assembled and tested in P3D v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in earlier P3D & FSX. October, 2021. Painted an assembled for simviation.com _______________________________________________________________ SIMVIATION PLEASE READ: This is a repaint and update of the previous version of this aircraft. Please delete the previous upload of this file. Thank you _______________________________________________________________ Install P3D/FSX: 1. Unzip to a Temp folder. 2. Move the folders 'Boeing 787-9 British Airways 21' to the 'FSX or P3D \SimObjects\Airplanes' directory. 3. Move GPWS inside 'Sound' folder into main FSX or P3D Sound folder (4. P3D4 users - if you are missing gauges in the VC just add the ones included in P3D4 gauges to the main 'Gauges' folder) Start P3D or FSX and select aircraft under Boeing 787-9 Will not work in FS2004. ACCESS UTIL FROM MENU TO USE TDS UTILITY ******************************************************* Over 3 million downloads at simviation.com ******************************************************* IMPORTANT: PLEASE SUPPORT FREEWARE My repaints are not to be uploaded to flyawaysimulation, fs2000.org, fsfreeware or surclaro. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* Tested in P3D v4 with all default scenery, etc. ******************************************************* VC From Bender Erik "ABOUT THE VIRTUAL COCKPIT ONLY I do not protect any of my work because I believe it belongs to the wonderful community of flight simmers around the world. I invite the community to use, modify, and improve the gauges to make this unique virtual cockpit even more realistic for the benefit of all. I ask only for three conditions: - Always include this README file in your package - You are automatically granting permission to Rikoooo.com to use any of your modifications in my package - Never use any of my work in PAYWARE projects, this is for FREEWARE only ******************************************************* Full credit goes to TDS team for the wonderful model and textures and Bender Erik/Asobo for the VC. I contacted Hiroshi Igami some years back to request permission to distribute his fine creations and he told me as long as credits and files intact and no pay site it was OK. Uploaded to simviation I have repainted ALL from original where I say I have textured the model (or VC). I use paint.net and original aircraft photos. I do this as a main hobby and really enjoy it. Thanks to the great paintkits available. I have created over 500 textures so far and I am also working on FSX and P3D native conversions and will await permission to upload. Many thanks to the encouragement of many. Most of all thanks to the original model, VC, gauge, paintkit and other creators that make this possible. I assemble complete files for FSX because I know a section of people have trouble assembling and adding aircraft to FSX using part files. I attempt to put the best of the best together and we get more people to enjoy using FSX. This way it helps our hobby. If people cannot easily use aircraft they go find another hobby. Not everyone is hardcore. Many like it fun and not too complex. The greatest credit of course goes to the model and VC creators and those who do FSX or P3D native conversions. IMPORTANT: PLEASE SUPPORT FREEWARE Support Flight Simulator by supporting the great FREEWARE designers! ******************************************************* PLEASE APPRECIATE THE WORK OF TDS/PROJECT OPENSKY/SKYSPIRIT THESE DEVELOPERS ARE A GREAT CREDIT TO FLIGHT SIMULATOR! evansgravity at gee mail Support Flight Simulator by supporting the great freeware designers! ****************************************************************************************************************************************************