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INSTALLATION GUIDE - Lockheed U-2S for FS2004

Extract all the files into your FS2004 root folder. The necessary sub-folders will be created automatically.


1) Animations

canopy : shift-e

airbrakes : / key

'pogo' outrigger wheels : these are setup to automatically vanish once the weight is lifted off them, ie. on take off. This is to simulate the jettisoning of these wheels on take off on the real U-2. They may appear intermittently on landing until the weight has settled back down again.

pilot visor : uses the Concorde visor function. This keypress is not normally assigned in the FS2004 default setup. To assign it you need to go to the Controller Assignments section under 'Settings'. The model Zipfile inlcudes a useful EXAMPLE SCREENSHOT which shows the screen you need. We recommend assigning the C and V keys for  open and close respectively, although there are others you can use if you prefer. 

rain : there is a nice rain effect on the glass in virtual cockpit mode.

2) Flight dynamics

the flight model is very realistic and as such may be hard to master. We have included a very thorough 'How-to-Fly' guide which can be accessed via the pilot's kneeboard, or running the relevant .htm file in the U-2S's folder. Also included is a very interesting web page which describes a flight in a U-2 in some detail. The author has tested our flight model and said it was very authentic. We *recommend* you familiarise yourself with the U-2's unusual characteristics before attempting any serious high altitude flying or landings.

3) Camera view

pulling back on the joystick hat switch (or down arrow on the keyboard) shows a simulated look-down camera viewpoint.


These files are freeware. Please amend/distribute as you see fit.

They are unsupported, so please do not e-mail us if you have problems. 

Under no circumstances may these files be sold or uploaded to a payware site or any kind of illegal warez site.

All rights reserved - ALPHA SIMULATIONS 2004