F-16.zip > F-16 > Documentation > Takeoff and landing tip's.txt
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****************  The LOCKHEED MARTIN F-16 Fighting Falcon (VIPER) by Kirk Olsson  ***************

-------------------------------------TAKEOFF and LANDING tips---------------------------------------

These are guidelines that may help you when taking off and landing in my F-16.


1. Fully extend flaps (F8).

2. Activate parking brake and push throttle to full power. Hold brake for 2-3 seconds (to build up power).

3. Release brake and rotate at 125-135 knots.



1. Reduce speed to 340 knots with airbrake (/).

2. Extend Flaps to full (F8). Adjust speed with throttle and airbrake to stay on glide slope.

3. Approach runway around 200 knots.

4. Just before the runway at about 165 knots extend airbrake (/), pitch nose up
   and increase throttle to slow descent.

5. Cut throttle and touchdown between 145-155 knots.

6. Hold positive nose pitch until speed has been reduced to between 130-140 knots. 
   Then slowly lower the nose and apply brake between 100-120 knots.