FS2004 "Yankee Princess" textures for Fairchild PT-19 Trainer If I owned a real PT-19, this is what she might look like, named for my favorite historical woman, Alice Roosevelt. To install: Unzip to a temporary folder, then move the texture.yp folder into the folder where you have either Daniel Da Silva's original model or my US version located, then depending on which one you have, cut and pate one of the following into the aircraft.cfg file: (Daniel Da Silva) [fltsim.0] title=FAIRCHILD PT-19 "Yankee Princess" sim=PT-19_Brazilian_air_force model= panel= sound= texture=yp checklists= ui_manufacturer=FAIRCHILD ui_type=PT-19 ui_variation=Yankee Princess visual_damage=1 description=FAIRCHILD PT-19\n\nModel e Testura: Daniel da Silva e Denis da Silva.\n\nAgradecimentos: Jacy Rocha Dias.\n\nwww.fs98fabmil.hpg.com.br\nwww.fsfab.kit.net\n\nE-mail:\ndsnirvana@ig.com.br\ndenissilvaoliveira@ig.com.br\Repaint by Don Brynelsen based up restored aircraft I saw at an airshow atc_id=N6267T (Don Brynelsen) [fltsim.1] title=FAIRCHILD PT-19 "Yankee Princess" sim=PT-19_US model= panel= sound= texture=yp checklists= ui_manufacturer=Fairchild Aircraft ui_type=PT-19 ui_variation=Yankee Princess visual_damage=1 description=FAIRCHILD PT-19\n\nOriginal model & textures: Daniel da Silva & Denis da Silva.\n\nARepaint by Don Brynelsen. atc_id=N6267T These textures created as freeware and may not be part of any payware package or site. Thank you for downloading my Yankee Princess PT-19 textures and HAPPY FLYING! Don Brynelsen (Oln260@yahoo.com) Copyright 2011