b763seyncfsx.zip > b763seyncfsx\Sky Spirit2010 Boeing 767-37D(ER) Air Seychelles FSX\SSP readme.txt
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SKYSPIRIT2010 BOEING 767-300 v5 for FS2004/FSX

**** Us Airways Boeing 767-37D(ER) *****

Repaint by      : Mathieu Vos (APSS).
E-mail Painter	: aircraftpaintingservicestellendam@upcmail.nl
Site Painter	: www.aicraftpaintingservicestellendam.nl
Facebook	: http://www.facebook.com/AircraftPaintingServiceStellendam
Twitter		: A_P_S_S		
Website		: http://aicraftpaintingservicestellendam.nl

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This aircraft is made by SkySpirit2010...


Model builder:
Hiroshi Igami

And with support of SkySpirit2010 Members

FDE designer:
Warren C. Daniel

Master Painter:

Repaint by      : Mathieu Vos (APSS).
E-mail Painter	: aircraftpaintingservicestellendam@upcmail.nl
Site Painter	: www.aicraftpaintingservicestellendam.nl
Facebook	: http://www.facebook.com/AircraftPaintingServiceStellendam
Twitter		: A_P_S_S		
Website		: http://aicraftpaintingservicestellendam.nl

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Features ( in depth ):

Dynamic flexing wings
Body gear steering under 15kt above 1kt.
Nose gear steering under 60kt above 1kt.
Rudder lock under 60kt above 1kt.
Ground spoiler only works on ground.
Low speed aileron locks at high speed.
Fully animated control surfaces
Fully independent suspension
Trim Animation
Opening Passenger Doors
Animated tilting bogies
Rolling wheels
Animated thrust reversers
Detailed textures
Full night lighting
Crash affects
Ground Service Vehicles when Cargo door open
And more...

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For contact:


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Just unzip the file and send the Aircrafts folder to the FS2004 AIRCRAFT FOLDER.
The contents of the "effects" folder needs to be copied into the main EFFECTS folder. 

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Opening Passenger (L1) door: Shift + E ( Opening door )
Opening Cargo Doors: Shift + E + 2
Opening Passenger (L2) door: Shift + E + 3
Opening Bulk Cargo Door: Shift + E + 4

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********** COPYRIGHT AND DISTRIBUTION **********

This aircraft is released as FREEWARE.

Copyright ? SkySpirit2010. All rights reserved.


-Packages may NOT be uploaded to another site other than the ones intended by the original author [i.e. no downloading and uploading to a second site w/o the author's permission(s)]
-For painters please see our webpage we are open for paintings.
-However our official reapaints are not copyright free you need to ask permission
of the repainter if any of our repaint work is used.
-For any other changes you must ask permission to the Author.
-No charge may be made for this package
-This Aircraft may not be bundled with any other package ( freeware or payware )
-The use of this aircraft is at your own risk, the author cannot be held responsable.

SkySpirit2010 Team